hutch_a_butch's discussions


@battra92: That's what they are fighting for, protecting their freedom of speech so they can put as much violence as they want to without having to be worried about being censored. Read more

They did a horrible job announcing the launch. I totally forgot it was coming out today. A little more effort from the ad department would have been a little more helpful. Read more

@Cute_and_Hirsute: Indeed. So was that just some random Facebook profile you happened to stumble on? Cause that would be even weirder. Read more

Best trailer evar!! I enjoyed that. ANd PixelJunk usually makes some good games. i really enjoy Racer. Read more

Somebody would. And that's all Kotick needs, is that one idiot. Read more

@JinFei3: I see. I thought it was a strand of hair on the box art, not the necklace part. Read more

Her costume seems a (I'm talking about the missing Omega symbol that is supposed to be on her chest) Read more

Burning Man could be a trial of your OkCupid game. The whole event is just a pre-determined area that holds as many people that signed up, all vying to "meet" new people (just like Playstation Home and Second Life). Read more

@goatonastick: You must have never read a Tim Rogers article. The main point is usually at the end. The beginning and middle are just for your entertainment. Read more