hutch_a_butch's discussions


@TheJoser: I'm pretty sure it's too late to change the pick-up. Plus I can't wait in line due to me working right now.. I was just gonna swing by tonight, wait in whatever line there was, get my copy, and call in sick for the rest of the week. I'll probably still do that, just not be awake all night, like I was hoping Read more

My midnight launch was canceled due to the epic failure that is PG&E. The Gamestop I pre-ordered at decided to cancel the launch due to the fact that the emergency shelter camp is so close by. I get it, but I'm still not happy about it. That and the fact that San Bruno got f***ed up. Read more

@The Forgetful Brain: I'm not going to give up on this franchise. Just like I didn't give up on Bioshock. The single player looks pretty epic and I sure can't wait for the release. So I'll probably be playing the MP every now and then, that is, if it's not too awful. Read more

I just hope it's not slapped together just because some one had an idea to put some MP in the game. I really hate it when devs do that (e.g. Bioshock 2). Read more

Only problem I see: the finite space available for the games. It sure is a swell idea though.. Read more

@truthtellah: Only slightly. As a whole, it was alright. Annoying in some parts. The costumes were pretty dead on. Read more

@Pony Stark: Really? Well I was just covering my ass in case I got flamed for it. It's not extremely racist, but it might offend some one out there, so.. Read more

Gah, I was enjoying it until the crappy Jay and Silent Bob "parody". Read more

Here's to hoping body parts start falling off mid-movie! Read more