hutch_a_butch's discussions


Did I miss something? Why isn't he making these any more? Read more

I've actually had that happen to me before. I uploaded a picture to my twitter and some random black dude in the street is what it posted. Read more

The best part about being in the industry is saying one thing and then a year or two later do the complete opposite. I just have to laugh at this. Read more

Well, FOX News did out one of their owners (a huge investor in FOX) as having ties to Iran... Read more

@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: If you haven't watched the movie, I suggest watching it first. It really isn't all that enjoyable if you read the books first. But it is a fairly decent film. Read more

This is so sick. I mid Dune Messiah right now. One of my new favorite series. I could never really picture the worm that well. But Jock definitely gives it some justice. Its a lot more menacing than what I was thinking, just a regular annelid shittin out melange. Read more

How come Daigo is one of the best? I think he's proven himself to be the best, no? Read more

I'll probably get one. I mean, I have one in pink, so why not? Read more

While McMasters' story was compelling and all relateable, I have to give it to Kolian. It just makes me laugh every time I re-read it. Read more

@GasBandit: In the article, Mitsoda says they are the slow-dumb zombies that sometimes travel in packs. Not the super fast ones or crazy mutations. Read more

A Bugatti Veyron squad car? That would only be able to chase you for like 12 minutes before needing to refuel. Read more

@Mooncow27: I have no idea, honestly. That sentence just seems like it was done as a formality. Then I offered a possible reason. But I think usually when you plead insanity it is also not guilty. Read more