hutch_a_butch's discussions


@Mooncow27: "A plea of not guilty was entered on Savage's behalf by Superior Court Commissioner Patrick Oishi" He may try to plead insanity. Read more

@meteora3255: I completely agree. The way of the boxed game will never die out. At the very least they would still push out CE/SE/LE/etc. Read more

I do not agree with the "Fuck Yoshi and Luigi" on the NES. I am a big fan of Luigi. But other than that, these are works of art. He should put these in the next Iam8bit gallery. Read more

My roommate got my first horse killed. I was riding around Tumbleweed and paused briefly to do something, like clean some dishes or some other random house chore. My roommate picks up the controller, and i say "Go for it." What trouble could he really get into, I thought. Well, he rode straight into Tumbleweed, Read more

@Sean Netzel: No, I'm pretty sure, by reading his second sentence, he doesn't want games anywhere near his academics. Read more

@Sean Netzel: Then you don't agree with him at all. You are just stating that you don't want to have Portal be on the required reading list. He was saying how he doesn't like games mixing with academics, which I think is silly. There are plenty of games that teach us; the Civ franchise does a great job explaining the Read more

@crocles: Or a game that wasn't a sports game. They are just trying to follow EA's new online model. They're the cheapskates. Read more

Recovery of damages? HAH! You'll never be able to recover from Episode 1, ya jerk. Read more

@Wellmont: Yeah, but this litter is from companies handing out useless fliers to people who probably thought the paper would have something of use to them only to find out its just crap and toss it on the floor. Not Starbucks. WTF are you talking about? Read more

@Wellmont: Um, that's exactly what I was saying. The litter is as much of the people handing them out's fault as the people who threw them on the ground. Where's the confusion? Read more

I think the problem lies with the crap companies try to hand to you. After concerts, there are always people standing on the side of the line of people exiting handing out fliers for other non-related concerts. And those just litter the ground cause they hand 'em to the people leaving, and the people leaving just toss Read more

So can you take the city you made in the game and use it elsewhere? Or is it just usable in that game, CitiesXL? Read more