hutch_a_butch's discussions


@Katanaangel: You wont see your comments because you aren't an approved commenter yet. So I see both of them. Just FYI. Read more

They couldn't name the girl some sort of animal? Like Catsy or something? Trip kind of throws it all off for me. Read more

@Owen Good: Excited nonetheless. I was thinking of getting this game. But now I know I will. I just want play as Jordan. Read more

WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 322, Oakview, CA 93022. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before. Read more

Hahaha. And here I was about to complain that you jurno's get all the good swag. Read more

Just after reading the article title: of course it does. Read more

Meh, I liked Far Away much better. Mostly because about midway through the song I realized to myself, "hey this song has lyrics..." Read more

@lance.uppercut: Only agreeing with you about the fact that this song could have been a Bon Jovi song, and then the wanking motion.. Read more

I don't know how long I'd be able to talk to a little boy without a) feeling like some perv, b) getting irritated by the fact that I can't keep an intelligent conversation because everything goes back to how cool his new toy is, and c) eventually asking him if he wants a candy bar, because I have a whole box of them Read more

@kwatsu001: Did you watch the anime EA put out with the first game, Dead Space: Downfall? They had some plasma chainsaw thing that was very effective. Read more

@Alex Winton: It's still a reputation they have. I actually want one of these, but mostly for the looks, cause it looks really really cool. Read more

That is a sexy looking piece of hardware. The only problem I see is that it's a Mad Catz product. So I'd give it about 3 months before something breaks off of it, or just stops responding in general. Read more