hutch_a_butch's discussions


Hate the new look. But love the game. I can't wait. Also, I don't like Isaac talking. I just want to hear his heart beat and staggered breathing. Read more

I thought her boobs were bigger than a handful. This must be 'shopped! Read more

Is the audio off or is it just me? Cause it's been like this for each video today. Read more

@KingDavid73: Actually, I never heard anything about SP until I saw movie previews. Then I checked out the books. This was probably like 2 months ago, and the books started around 2004 or something. Read more

Sometimes...sometimes I wish I was Harry Potter. That's not weird, right? RIGHT? Read more

@KingDavid73: That's not it. The movie is freaking everywhere. Comic-Con, commercials on every station, on every web page. People know about it, but it's another thing to make them care about it. Read more

@WookieLifeDay: I was thinking number 2 while reading the post. I think they did too much before the movie, and created too much buzz. Looking at reviews, it's like 75% of the people just don't like Michael Cera anymore, and that's mostly why they didn't like the movie. That, and they tried too hard to fit the 6 books Read more

Seems like a fancy concentration camp. I wonder what Australia is going to "charge" to live there, and how long it takes for someone to get "invited" to the mainland. Read more

It looks boring. A drab design. They can do better. It would be nice to see the cabinet take shape into something, like a castle or something. My idea is lame, but still, they can do better. The Behemoth is an intelligent crew. Read more

@darthvolta: Agreed. I don't know of any other man that could play a love ballad after destroying an army of Sardaukar. Read more

@darthvolta: I wouldn't call him a smuggler. He wasn't working with the smugglers for profit, and he cared more about the men working the harvester than the actual spice itself. Read more

@Shippoyasha: Yeah, but those people aren't going to the media about what they do. I doubt most of the people on that registry would be prepared enough to face an actual threat. I'm surprised Dark Guardian stood his ground, but I think the guy with the camera scared the drug dealer to actually do anything to him. I'm Read more