hutch_a_butch's discussions


@coffinmouth: That makes sense. The big corporations (god, I sound like my dad) have hundreds of people working for them, so there is more of a want to make that scrilla (money), but that's mostly just to please the stock holders so that they'd feel more inclined to buy more stock in the company. Or whatever it is Read more

@Lupison: Huh, well, I did not know that about chearleaders. I just knew for some reason players weren't allowed to be paid. Read more

@KingKirby: First of all, a lamborghini is a car (see how I spelled it right). And game DESIGNERS make tons more money than minimum wage (I don't know where you got your figures from. QA makes at least $11-$12/hour depending on their skill and they are considered the bottom of the barrel). I'm merely pointing out what Read more

@coffinmouth: I don't understand your point. I just don't like how the people who get paid the most get to whine about not getting paid more. Their business model is dieing, they even tell you that if you care to watch the first episode. I'll just leave you with this: I don't care about physics, nor "Lomobourginis" Read more

@peter_p2: I was thinking the same way. They were just crying about money in the first episode, and how painful it is for them to see THEIR business model dieing because people aren't playing more games, just more of a game, and not paying extra for it. Here's an idea, how about lowering your salaries? Oh wait, you DO Read more

@Lupison: Its against college rules for college athletes to be paid for playing the sport for their school. Read more

#5 is that Red?!?!? Well I was planning on getting this anyways, but that's just icing on the prostitute. Read more

I don't think my professors are going to allow this to be used as a source for my thesis... Read more

The balloons really sell this for me. First day purchase! Read more

You would think that while attaining the exclusive NFL license, EA would have tried to lump ALL of the NFL player's likenesses into that deal. Apparently they never thought this far. Sucks for them. Read more

I am always bummed when I see that NA doesn't get any Collector's or Special Editions of games. And seeing that the UK/Europe do get most of them really is just the piss icing on the PO'd cake, lol. I'm just glad the PS3 is region free and can get the special editions from Europe. Read more