hutch_a_butch's discussions


So its like that new Hramonix dance game, only its ONLY Micheal Jackson songs? Read more

@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: And then Kedra pops out from the sides near the end and a clip of her saying "Shooting them in the body didn't seem to work. Go for the limbs, dismember them. That should do the job" plays and I stop and "shoot" the limbs off the slasher...and scene. Read more

So does anyone know if the live-action play has to be serious? I was thinking of possibly cosplaying as Isaac Clarke and have a buddy be a slasher. I'd throw my boot at him and then he'd let out a roar (a sound clip would play instead of him actually roaring) and then Yakety Sax (the Benny Hill song) would start Read more

@The Vanishing Boy: Well, okay you got me there. I would have to agree with that, seeing as how all the hot ones at HIN are the car models which you can't really touch. But there are hundreds at ChinaJoy that you might have a chance with. Read more

@lionsheart25: Oh god really? Man, this kid might grow up with some complexes because of this. Or maybe not. I just hope he is having fun competing still, cause thats all that matters. Read more

@imsh_pl: I think the art direction went along the lines of it being a youtube video or something. Its supposed to look crappy, for some reason. Read more

@troopzor: No doubt, I'm just saying, there is potential here, and I'd hate to see it go to waste. Read more

@TheKleiner: To see the buildup and to actually have the craft shake due to it, would make the cockpit view most epic, I believe. Read more

I wasn't aware McDreamy was in this movie? Or is it McPrettyBoy? Read more

@Cpryd001: I just think its a sham. I'm a toy collector (yeah, I'll admit it) and I hate seeing prices this high. Sure, it's a beautiful piece, looks exactly like a tank. I would love to have this in my hands and on my shelf. But holy hell, $300 for the statue then another $25 for the gun, it's just madness. But alas, Read more

I just hope his parent don't exploit him for his talents. Read more

I think you fail to see how broke many of the hardcore fans are. $325 is waaaaay too much to spend on 1 statue, how does that shotgun cost $25 anyways? I do WANT, but will NOT GET. ;( Read more