hutch_a_butch's discussions


@CheshiePuss: Yeah but you can't say that what he has done makes him not a crappy animator. Sure, he may not be the greatest animator alive today, but he certainly is at least one of them. Read more

@Redtheundead: I never really see any computers in his films. But this is coming off the top of my head, and I havent seen one of his films for a few months now. Im pretty sure Mononoke didn't have any technology in it... Read more

@buckleyneko1: The iPad has done nothing for him. And masturbation is nothing like breathing, well, isn't as normal as breathing (and he isn't bashing masturbation). Read more

@buckleyneko1: The iPad has done nothing for him. And masturbation is nothing like breathing, well, isn't as normal as breathing (and he isn't bashing masturbation). Read more

So how come there was no article about the sale actually happening? Man I feel like an douche cause I've been crying about not having this game because I'm too broke and now it goes on sale for half the price and I find out I missed out on the sale through this article. Aww shucks. Read more

@Gameslaya: Eff' that man. Don't get disheartened because of layoffs. Stay on your course. If anything, this should make you want to work harder to get in one of those top positions. If you are in the SoCal or Bay Area, you would be fine. There are plenty of developers in these areas and it's quite possible to jump Read more

@Gameslaya: Yeah right. It's just how it goes. I worked for a few developers and have been laid off each time the project finished. Even the big whigs aren't safe from the axe, though. Read more

Oh well, that's just how it goes in the business. If you aren't a producer, lead designer, or lead anything, you're gonna get the axe for sure. But, if you look on the bright side, they can get unemployment, plus the possibility of being rehired once they get another project rolling. You can't just everyone to sit Read more

@jayunreal: That's not a bad idea. Seeing as how some articles are very long, and then get hundreds of comments. I usually don't make it all the way down. But if that option was near the top, maybe below where you can type your comment, would be more effective. Read more

@ihatko: Hey man, I enjoy Tim Roger's rants. Not only do they take forever to get through (read: I don't have to work for at least 30 minutes) but they are well written and provide a different type of commentary on the culture we all take part in. Plus, they only come around like once every 3 months, so its not like Read more

@jayunreal: If you scroll all the way down, there is an option to show all comments. I also have the show all replies activated too. I didnt know about that for a while, and all I saw were the starred comments and was like, "the front page says there is 180 comments, but I only see 10" Read more

@JRock: More iPhone/Andriod game review articles would be cool. I know there are a few games they have done before. Maybe a monthly article on the best new ones with reviews included? Read more

@darkos87: I agree with people posting their questions somewhere first so they can be sorted out. I didn't like hearing the same answers after each question and people take too long to ask them, sometimes giving backstory which is not needed. Also, you dont have to tell the person how big a fan you are, you are Read more

@Kenny: There is an option to show all comments. I leave it on because when its off you only see like 5 comments, which is boring and doesn't let me not work for longer periods of time. With all comments showing, I get to read everything and stall my work for another 10 or so minutes. Read more

So those grenades go inside the laptop cover? Cause that would be sick to see him start grabbing 'nades from his belly and crushing them on his head. Read more

Her mind is being melted an replaced with nanobots that will control her every move and make her buy EA's stuff. Read more

Is the game still laggy as hell? I played the beta and had to stop cause it just jittered a lot and I could barely drive the cars. And no, the lag wasnt because my computer sucked, I have a very up to date rig, thank you. Read more