Is that Chesty Jake? Read more
Is that Chesty Jake? Read more
Sadly, no buffalo were killed. Or they just forgot to ask. Read more
You've never seen anything Garfield was in because all the movies he's been in were flops. This should not get you excited. It should get you worried that another crappy Spiderman movie is coming out. Read more
I think Tim Rogers is excited about 3D TV...and he lives in Japan. Read more
@Brandon Fletcher: I just got a picture in my head of a midget Jon Wayne with dreads coming out of his cowboy hat. Read more
I've been waiting for something like this to happen. Not exactly a Facebook connection, such as the aforementioned examples. But more along the lines of doing something in the real world that would give you something in the game world (w/e game it may be). For the sake of argument I'm going to assume that everyone has… Read more
But...I hate children Read more
@Tacticalspoon: Thanks for all the replies. And, pffft, manuals...I should start reading them Read more
I'm not too familiar with the system itself (although I do own the model that came packaged with Uncharted about 2 Thanksgivings ago (yeah, I tell time by holidays)) but can you swap out the HDD with any HDD? Or is there a Sony proprietary HDD only compatible with the PS3? Read more
@OnimousDante: That one was my favorite cause the puzzles were so difficult. Read more
Yeah, I'd be like, "Take me back to jail, this place sucks. Waaaaaaaaah!!!' Read more
When I pre-ordered God of War 3, Gamestop handed me the code (plus a poster). Would it be possible to just pre-order at each place and then cancel it? I know you gotta put money down for it, so could you pre-order it, and then buy another game? Read more
I think you failed by letting him even use Halo 3. If you don't even want him playing the game itself, there should be no reason for him to even ask you guys to start it up for him. Yeah, the map editor is a relatively safe part of the game, but its still part of the game; a game you don't want him playing. Read more
So a game that is based in San Francisco will only have a special edition over seas? Read more
@Talraega-A wild Bidoof appears!: I agree. Although it is a pretty damn cool cake, and I would appreciate the hell out of it if I were given it, there are some discrepancies. The plants and walnuts in the water? I think a better approach to take on this would have been to make a rectangular cake and lay it out like… Read more