hutch_a_butch's discussions


You were that hot chick, you know, dressed in that costume. We talked, and you said something to me. Hit me up!! Read more

@jinxman: People aren't stingy. They are allowed to give their opinions. Everyone shouldn't have to love this piece. And honestly, it does look unfinished, it could go for another paint job, and it seriously lacks most of what people define steampunk as. Not to say that the artist is teh sukz because of this, but if Read more

All I can say after looking at this guy's collection is: HAHA!!! Read more

I think the plus side of the 3ds is that they are (hopefully) bringing many of the great n64 games to its lineup. It would be cool if they did a Perfect Dark remake that had wireless multiplayer. Read more

@cobwebs and rainbows: To be honest, each one of these figures looks like shit. Apart from the detail they put into Bane, everything else is just mediocre at best. You'd think they'd have some sort of quality check before they let them put this crap on store shelves. Read more

@Sokarix: I bet there will be a new model or two out before they start doing the Kinect bundles. Read more

@VincentGrey: Actually he has a reason: he thinks they are all clones and is out to search for the original who turns out to be this 100 year old kung fu master that teaches him Drunken Crane Dancing Tiger Boxing Turtle Shoalin Style which he uses to exact his revenge on his former master: The US Government!!! Dun Dun Read more

@uppitycracker: yeah its huge. I finally got in. Played a little on my lunch break. The customization is crazy. I wish I knew about the beta on the 12th, I couldnt afford to buy any of the cool gear, but some of the people look insane. Only thing I hated was the driving. It took a bit before the car went in the Read more

After 120 minutes, the game has yet to finish downloading. Even at 1.05mb/s. This better be worth the wait. Read more

@Ben Longo: I meant, I'll probably buy the Kinect and the Move. I'm pretty sure this game is only on Kinect. Read more