Watching the demo of this during the Microsoft press conference left me thinking one thing: Man that Harmonix producer is hot! Read more
Watching the demo of this during the Microsoft press conference left me thinking one thing: Man that Harmonix producer is hot! Read more
@mrantimatter: A box of doughnuts? Read more
I was expecting the single best moment at a press conference this year was when he went "Pew Pew Pew" Read more
I hope they start selling cards with codes on them, cause I hate recurring payments. I never remember that I'm still paying for stuff. I paid for like 6 months of Live because I didn't cancel it after I moved. I didn't even have the console connected to the internet. Read more
I don't get how you play the game. I just see colors and hear music and some guy touching a giant squid thing and it turns from black to pink... Read more
@Killer Toilet: Seems like the best place to post this Read more
So are the Asian women THQ was looking for going to be dressed in Korean army outfits? Hopefully with more booty showin than the regular army outfits... Read more
@pandafresh: He's just angry in general. Look at that scowl in the second image, as he turns away from the bunny. Read more
Looks sick. I thought the MW2's missions that involved fighting in a strip mall area and running through the suburbs was fun. The preview though looks a lot like Call of Duty: World at War cutscenes. The white background with the colored lines and data written all over the screen with some live footage thrown in. Read more
@Michael Dukakis: LOL! That is f'ing hilarious. +100 Read more
@keptsimple81: win! wait, your eyes don't blink though... Read more
@keptsimple81: Especially with an entourage that includes a 7ft tall alien with eyelids that blink and a mouth that opens when the wearer talks. Read more
Oh crap. That's a boat-load of new shooters, each one looking pretty decent. Excited that most of them will be multiplatform (now including Mac) so I hope the devs will be kind enough to offer little extras for each console to help answer the question: Which console should I get it for? Read more