hutch_a_butch's discussions


@mister5000: Actually I own both next gen systems and a wii (plus various older gen consoles). Just not a big Halo 3 fan. The first Halo I loved though. Read more

@Snow leopard: I hope that they actually put in the part where you see bones breaking. That would be siiiiiiiick, lol Read more

The ending for the Contra V Tetris is the best. Sound effects are top notch!!! Read more

Too bad there is no statistic showing how many Halo 3's were traded in vs the rest of them. Bought Halo 3, traded it back within 2 months. Read more

@fallenvash: When my 360 died for the third time (it started freezing after a about an hour of being on) I called up the service center to get them to send me yet another box. The dude that answered tried to get me to go through all the steps to make sure it was really dead; make sure everything is plugged in, unplug Read more

@Taggart6: It's possible the game has some sort of economy within it, and the dollars could be called credits. Read more

Looks posed. The dude in the wait looks way too happy, and we all know it is scientifically impossible for old people to have fun; unless they are playing the New Old Man Bros. and are on the Get Off My Lawn You Snot Nose Little Bastards level. Read more

I cant see this being a game. You can't take out Johnny Cage before the tournament even starts. I need to be able to give my victims an autographed pic before I finish them. Read more

@Kryptolojik: I'm wondering how Seven45 is going to handle the rolls. You need that bounce back to be able to do it, and without it many songs are gonna be harder to play, I'm guessing. Read more

@foofad: I think I'd rather take it up with Apple since it's an app I can't delete and comes pre-installed on the darn phone. Read more

@Chewblaha: yeah, the accents were a little weak. Overall, it was well done. Nice sound, loved the headshot with a flash...and the chick with the rack holding the giant gun. Damnit, I told myself not to say that. Read more

@aang002: Actually, I believe in this theory Stephen Hawking has where there are tiny worm holes, tinier than the smallest atoms, too tiny to see with the world's most powerful microscopes, that just float all around us. We're too big to fit into one, which is why no one teleports through time. Not really related to Read more

@phinnaeus: Yes, but it's hard to do and I usually end up just going back and forth which seems to work. Read more

@Assassin_Kensei: Im not talking about where it places the dot that represents my location, which is pretty on point. Im talking about my destination dot, its usually never where I want to be. Read more

@VincentGrey: I hope this means there will be more 80's synth-pop in the track list. And I hope you can play Final Countdown with the keyboard (which I hope is more than 6 colored buttons). I hope I'm not hoping too much... Read more