Excited about Power Gig. Hopefully that game will teach me to play the guitar like the stars. Read more
My 1 question that will probably make me want to upgrade: Does the f'ing GPS work? My iPhone 3Gs always drops me off like 10 blocks away from where I want to be. And that whole wave your phone around in a figure 8 so that the GPS will work is bull, and it looks funny watching people do it. Read more
@burninfidels: It probably stems from how most of the factory jobs making shit for America existed in America up until the 80's. Those jobs moved t places like Mexico and China. And most of the time, if there aren't any reports of suicide, we just don't exactly know what's going on in those factories overseas. Read more
@TheHeartless: I'm wondering if their living conditions are going to be changed. I heard they were set up in dormitory style apartments which also suck ass, so how would more money solve that problem? Read more
I'm a little confused: so it would be alright for him to have the tat after Vietnam, even though he is still with SOG? Or would they have never even gotten an SOG tattoo, period? If he had separated with SOG why go through the trouble of getting the tattoo anyways? Read more
That lady looks like she is having a seizure. I don't know man, project natal still looks like ish. I'm waiting to see if there will be games that don't involve me flailing each limb in the air. What game were they playing anyways? I fail to see how that lady's movements correspond to how you control a raft going down… Read more
@8thR, Punburglar: Probably just a floating arm Read more
Meh. Reminds me of the GoW 3 cover. Close up shot of face, but not as extreme. Which can be said about Dante's Inferno, similar to GoW but not as extreme. Read more
@anonymousryan: Ah, there it is. There are too many paragraphs in this article I totally skipped over that one multiple times. Read more
I don't know if I read over something, but who is Bunting? You didn't mention him until mentioning how people got excited about making a game about the cold war, or rather, Cold War. Read more
@Foxhack: Depends on what your friends are looking for in a game. SotC is a great game to many because of most of what Ms. Lange has written. It's epic. It's more than epic. Graphics aside, the story was compelling (what little story there was, some divine being just told you to kill these monsters to bring your dead… Read more
@shouryuuken: Agreed. I'd get this game if they would produce some hip hop DLC not JUST mainstream. Read more
I thought this was the Human Centipede sequel. Read more
@Brian Crecente: Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise to never throw it against a wall when it unplugs my system. Read more
OK, I have 1 more and thought I'd give it a shot at asking you since, well, since you are teh c00lest!!! (and cause I seen others do it) Read more
I have only 2: Read more
So who gets the PETA vegan chocolates this time? Read more