hutch_a_butch's discussions


I was at the Natural History Museum's space center (can't remember the name, I'm not from New York) a few years back and watched their video of how the universe was formed. An interesting theory was brought up that within a few hundred million years our star would get so close to the nearest star (alpha centauri I Read more

@W1ckeDxt: No problem. I got really excited and went searching for the store list. Got really bummed after finding out the nearest Best Buy doing it is in the middle of f***ing nowhere a few hours out from me. I'm hoping there is some listed on ebay I can snag... Read more

Not sure if anyone posted this, but here is the store locations doing the midnight launch: Read more

@VincentGrey: I remember going to Gamescape in Vegas when I was like 14. Dont know if it still exists, but after 11 till closing $25 got you unlimited play on every game. They also had a bar, but being underage didnt get to visit it. Something like that in a high-populated area would bring in lots of money I suspect. Read more

Im guessing he hasn't played the Lost Planet 2 multiplayer. Those chicks boobs flop around all over the place. Read more

I have to disagree with you Fahey, about the story. Yes, it would make the perfect comic book story. But honestly, most of the dialog was retarded. Lines like, "suitcase!" before pepper is thrown off the helicarrier, and the dumb ass copter pilot in the second level that decides to obey your orders and then proceed to Read more

I am now aiming for Master Chief's and Mega Man's beard. Those are so bad-ass. Now, if I can convince my girlfriend that there is a need to do it... Read more

Are you sure Micheal Bay had nothing do with this? I was waiting for the helicopter explosion the whole time, thinking about the South Park Imagination Land episode. Read more

@ToastyUterus: Yeah, but when should it be acceptable that the add-on costs more than the game? It's like buying 30" chrome rims for my Geo Metro. Read more

Why doesnt DLC ever go on sale? I have World at War for the PS3. I don't have any of the map packs for that game, cause a year ago it was expensive. I went online to see how much they cost now, and the entire pack costs more than what Gamestop is selling the actual game for. WTF is that? What makes DLC so important Read more

This will probably help green light a future Street Fighter project. *crossing fingers* Read more

Fahey, you should email the guys at Guinness all the comments from this post. I think they'd get the idea that they suck. Read more

I bought the first game on a whim from Game Crazy a few months after it came out. Never really heard anything about it and I was just looking for a new game to play while I forgot about doing homework. There was 1 copy of the collector's edition left and the dude behind the counter sold it to me for $10 cheaper than Read more

Blue and red just clashes too much for me. I'm more of a green and navy blue type of person, it really brings out my eyes Read more