hutch_a_butch's discussions


I'd just like to say that I am totally with you, Sid, regarding game manuals. I think there is a huge potential to bring new owners of games an extra experience by creating a manual that acts as a part of the story. I am constantly disappointed when I open a game up and look at the manual and its only 5 pages long. Read more

@The Forgetful Brain: Im sure they were able to hire more people by now. Dev companies sometimes release most of their staff after a game is completed, it's common practice. Read more

You had to post this while Im at work and my roommate is still sleeping (that a*hole). Very awesome of you to post this though. Read more

The Iron Man 2 game has nothing to do with the movie. It's supposed to take place after the events in the movie. Read more

@Kobun: Dreams of visiting Missouri to attend a vet summer camp to learn how to help animals. I had dreams of being a vet when I was his age. To have that ambition and a father to make his dream possible is something I missed out on as a child (not looking for sympathy, just saying it's pretty awesome). Read more

I hope this game was a test to see if they could get Final Fantasy VII-like graphics onto the iPhone and they are already porting it over...pwetty pwease? Read more

@LunaticMoth: Apple stands to make more money off selling the GTA game through the app store than it would for this game that maybe 100 people would actually buy. More people like to virtually kill other people than to virtually kill a baby seal. Read more

@ThisCharmingMan: It's not protected by the first ammendment at all. So you are correct in thinking that. Its basically Apple not wanting any part in having some sort of uprise by seal lovers. It's easier to just ban the game from the App Store. Read more

I see about 5 of them everyday on my way to and from work on the subway. And yes, I do think to myself, "jerk...I want one too" Read more

They took the breast part of that sticker, and her vagina! Read more