hutch_a_butch's discussions


Well it's a good thing that everyone who bought MW2 bought it for the multi-player. No one could care less about the story. Read more

Not only does she have all that treasure she's sitting on, she's also smuggling a couple of basketballs in her jacket. Was there no room in the chest for those? Read more

I wouldn't call this the future of comic books. Maybe a sidestep in the digital age of comic books, but nothing beats having the actual paper in your hands and reading the newest issue on the bus ride home. Read more

I understand the hate, but I dont think he should get jail time. That would just be throwing away this kids life. He's already a really stupid 20 year old. If he goes to jail, he'll just be a really stupid 32 year old. No education and a felony charge is not gonna help make this kid a contributing member to society, Read more

@deanbmmv: it probably means 100 hours for each of the 22 roles. And then another 100 just jerkin off to the Night Elves... Read more

Also forgot EA Redwood Shores name change to Visceral Games and SONY Santa Monica to Santa Monica Studios Read more

Dammit. I wanted the Expert Hunter costume. I wonder if I could find a Rockstar employee to bribe to get it... Read more

Well, no one really knows what is really going on. All we have to go on are allegations. It would be cool to see this in the news along side Miley Cyrus's new haircut, but what if, and I mean if, Activision isn't in the wrong? We would all be making a big deal out of this and turns out the two guys were conspiring to Read more

Really? ... I mean, really, dude? Come on. Thank god it got thrown out. But really? I can understand being partially blind and not being able to get through some quests or whatever, but dont they audio events that trigger when you fight/win/lose/level up/etc.? I know for sure WoW did. What's next, a quadriplegic Read more

Im surprised that they didnt mention anything about the 6 hour "interview" that made people cry. Too bad you cant sue people for making you cry. Read more

@spiderweb1986: even though its one side of the story, dont you think Activision would have come out and said what was going on in the firts place? Instead of hiding behind doors giving no information other than "insubordination"? Read more

ahahahah. This is such a WIN!!! I lol'd so hard everyone in the office started lookin at me. Read more

looks at dems. Daza has huge dildos on his heads. and dems girls are pretty skankys...

@Alex_Mexico: yeah, they should also add the word "almost" before everything cause they stopped backwards compatability after the first few versions. so it can do "almost everything"... Read more