@UsernameOfTheDead: @Rear Admiral Meatwad: hahahah. I lol'd. Read more
@UsernameOfTheDead: @Rear Admiral Meatwad: hahahah. I lol'd. Read more
So James Cameron can travel through time? That must be the reason he was able to capture the completely true story of the Titanic. Read more
Just one more way Dante's Inferno isn't God of War I guess...oh Kratos, how I've missed thee Read more
I wonder if one of them fell off the bike/rip-stick/roller blades...now that would have been funny. "OMG my Stormtrooper armor is scuffed...MOMMY!!!" Read more
I think FAIL at being what it would look like to be a Sim but WIN at creeping me out. Read more
I can see the second card in his hand as he flicked it...fail? I liked the little card movement before you picked the card though, that was a nice touch, I lol'd. Read more
I like his point number one, which basically says: steal everyone else's ideas and slap your own logo on it. FIFA got better because they copied Pro Evo's entire gameplay. FIFA 05 was alright, but totally different from FIFA 07, which looked like Pro Evo 5. And Dante's Inferno is just a complete rip off of the God of… Read more
@Powerlurker: I guess being broke most of the time I just dont get why people throw money around like its nothing. I'm not saying collecting stuff isnt worth it, I have hundreds of toys stashed away. All of them are opened because I like to play with them, maybe not now, but I used to. If I bought this game for… Read more
@That mop mutant: Instant film is actually coming back. Not by Polaroid the company, but the people who bought up all the machinery to make it. Check it out: Read more
It's useless without the mat. Why would you drop so much for a game that's entirely useless? No one even liked it. Think of how much money the one guy with the only mat will make...I wish I was him. Read more
Thank you for finally answering the question I have been pondering over for almost a year now, 360 or PS3? Owning both makes making the decisions about which version to get very difficult, especially if there isnt any sort of incentive. Grand Theft Auto 4 offered the DLC (PS3 version wasnt promising it, and only… Read more
Can you blame them though? I mean, okay, it might not have been a well thought out plan, but what else is there to do to try and stop all the pirating? They should try and do what STEAM has been doing, making their games only playable through a client. STEAM can play online and offline; if you're disconnected you're… Read more
He is figure skating to unite the Hackensackians against the opressive Guido faction of Jersey City...and Tony Soprano is thrown in there somewhere Read more
after watching episode 2 of season 6, Kate should die a very horrible death; by Ben mind-fucking her into killing herself, cause she doesnt deserve to be on the island anymore. maybe the smoke monster can pull some hentai-style tentacle rape right before she blew her head off... Read more