hot_heart's discussions


True, but he's already the same guy famous for other things! This certainly looks his most accomplished though. Read more

I agree he's not old but I seem to recall somewhere stating Drake was around 25 (which I actually found a little hard to believe) Read more

Not a TF2 fan but this looks awesome! Surprised the guy's not taken some of these concepts to create his own unique side-scrolling beat-em-up; he's clearly very capable. Read more

Seconding the Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light suggestion. Fantastic game. Read more

I'm only guessing here, but there is a character across a few of the novels called Kahlee Sanders and it seems she's become quite significant (could be in ME3, possibly). Likely that BioWare don't want people assuming there's a connection between them so just changed the name. Read more

I agree on the story aspect. But 1 did have the advantage of being the first (well, duh), so there was the novelty factor which probably helped some of it. Definitely had a more 'natural' storyline anyway and I think the second was trying to keep newcomers and old fans happy, which is a tricky balancing act. Read more

Yeah, that was a thing. And you'd get a sound effect that is like a slightly lower-pitched (possibly from being slowed-down) version of the slow-motion effect in Six Million Dollar Man. XD Read more

True, it did fit in with the actual story. Just wasn't a very good boss fight... Read more

Been playing a lot of Carmageddon 1 and 2 recently (think I might write up some retrospectives on them at some point). The games don't look any prettier but, my word, are they still a lot of fun!

Let's hope not. I guess they did well enough to avoid mentioning frog-like, springy Saren from the end of the first game. =p Read more

It's not just you (it never is anyway!), it's everyone. Read more

Saw the video at the top and I have to say 'PG Journey To Uranus' sounds like a title for the worst porn film ever. =p Read more

Looks like Kirby made you...suck up your pride Read more

Ah, that's not too bad then. Probably could get it cheaper than that elsewhere. Thanks! Read more

Oh, man. That was in the Steam sale?! How much was off? Had my eye on that game for a while although I'd probably only get to do single-player. =( Read more

I think it's a bit uneven at first. If you specialise in one area you'd find some variation but it's probably not too noticeable that early on since you won't have spent too many points in other paths. Read more

Oh, there's nothing wrong with 3 or Revenge. I just have a personal preference for the more basic Burnout without the constant bashing and crashing. =p Read more