I don't think that preview suggested anything like Spider-Man 2. That side stuff is supposed to be far more developed and that you're following little story strands around the city (that 'innocent guy' isn't any old civilian); you're not collecting wayward balloons. And the main story will still involve moving from… Read more
So, you yanks must have it by now (I heard some even got their copies rather early). How is it? I've seen some reviews that suggest it keeps the good stuff from EDF2017 and adds onto it, but that it just uses one cityscape so there's less variety in the levels. How do the mechs handle now? Are weapons bought rather…
The on-disc stuff is probably more tailored to gradual learning whereas some of the DLC can be all over the place. If you've never played before it's the 16th beats that can trip you up (you'll find that in the verses of Crazy Train) as you're having to hit the snare with your right hand instead but then that's marked… Read more