hot_heart's discussions


I guess it could be fun but I really want a Burnout game like 2 again. Read more

If they're grouping together then bombs are always a good option. Grapeshot deals quite a bit of damage (and you use them to close the nekker nests in the forest) and Dragon's Dream is good for incinerating enemies while dealing a fair bit of damage. Read more

Oh, yeah, it definitely extends across both games (as I mention in the article) but I figured that the second is more current and people would be more aware of that. Read more

Anyone else finish The Witcher 2 and get a very detective thriller/film noir feeling off of it? Perhaps I can explain why... Read more

Clearly those people don't want to mess with someone who's shifting a vending machine about. Read more

Hi, guys, I've written an article on why The Witcher 2 might be the most 'noir' game of 2011 so far. Read more

It's an interesting cultural topic. I know some people enjoy that side of things when gaming alone. Read more

RPS' interview with the project leader is both interesting and quite amusing (when they discuss the possibility of crazy believers seeking out the developer): Read more

I don't think that preview suggested anything like Spider-Man 2. That side stuff is supposed to be far more developed and that you're following little story strands around the city (that 'innocent guy' isn't any old civilian); you're not collecting wayward balloons. And the main story will still involve moving from Read more

So, you yanks must have it by now (I heard some even got their copies rather early). How is it? I've seen some reviews that suggest it keeps the good stuff from EDF2017 and adds onto it, but that it just uses one cityscape so there's less variety in the levels. How do the mechs handle now? Are weapons bought rather

Yeah, I can't really play on anything except Expert now. It just feels...wrong. Read more

The on-disc stuff is probably more tailored to gradual learning whereas some of the DLC can be all over the place. If you've never played before it's the 16th beats that can trip you up (you'll find that in the verses of Crazy Train) as you're having to hit the snare with your right hand instead but then that's marked Read more

Some of the Xbox Marketplace stuff is good. Grouping all the content (trailers, DLC, etc.) for titles and some of the way it's laid out is nice. It's the actual navigation that's a pain. Read more

Can't remember who it was but someone (jokingly) said that games should come with a sticker of something like 'This game was produced under good working conditions' =p Read more

Well, I think a lot of the credit goes to things Team Bondi did differently to your usual big Rockstar game but there's no doubt that Rockstar had a major involvement in actually getting the game finished. Read more

Was wondering when these would materia-lise. Read more

I could understand someone choosing a shmup over L.A. Noire, both drastically different games that appeal to different tastes. Read more