Personally-speaking, I get the feeling this will be a wonderful year for games even if most of those are sequels... I'm sure there have been a few great new IPs too, just nothing that particularly appeals to me (besides L.A. Noire) Read more
This wasn't voted for, was it? I think it's just the editors' choices and Totilo did particularly like that LEGO game as far as I can remember. Read more
In the way that Maris was never revealed on Frasier (not that you could actually cast anything like the descriptions) I think it's better to leave it up to the player's imagination. Read more
Hehe, yup! Just noticed on the inside of one door there is a big red button that brings up a triangle prompt when you're near it. Still gives you a moment to slip underneath if you want to. The other door is right near it except the button is on the outside wall. Read more
Loving the fact that you can drop into co-op games in progress. It's not always the ideal situation for everyone but it's better than being a man down the whole time. Read more