Fury Cubed was a particular favourite of mine. (OK, it's called Fury 3)
Yeah, on easy you should be able to just enjoy the story and breeze through combat (like in the first game). I have heard complaints that it's too easy but I think there's enough to enjoy without challenging combat. And you can always play on easy until you get a bit further, acquire some upgrades and get a handle on… Read more
Yeah, I've mainly been a console gamer for a long time but I've been doing OK (died a couple of times on that damn dragon bit). Not saying that console players are some bastard breed of gamer (honest!) but that if I didn't have the tips and tricks passed on by others, I might have struggled to get my head round the… Read more
I'm not going to go on some PC-elitism rant or whatever, but it'll be interesting to see how a console audience handles the game's combat. It is not quite like any other game I've seen before (not played Demon's Souls, mind. Nor will a few 360 players, I imagine) but it is enjoyable when you keep these things in mind: Read more
Hmm, looking into it it may just be that ALL game discs no longer work [arstechnica.com] Read more