hot_heart's discussions


Hope everyone's having a lovely weekend! Unfortunately, I've been working but I have managed to get a (massive yet still not completely comprehensive) review of L.A. Noire done. Read more

I quite liked The Naked City. Very noir-type story to it and it actually slotted rather nicely into the story when I was playing through on 360. Read more

Now playing

Fury Cubed was a particular favourite of mine. (OK, it's called Fury 3)

Yeah, on easy you should be able to just enjoy the story and breeze through combat (like in the first game). I have heard complaints that it's too easy but I think there's enough to enjoy without challenging combat. And you can always play on easy until you get a bit further, acquire some upgrades and get a handle on Read more

Yeah, I've mainly been a console gamer for a long time but I've been doing OK (died a couple of times on that damn dragon bit). Not saying that console players are some bastard breed of gamer (honest!) but that if I didn't have the tips and tricks passed on by others, I might have struggled to get my head round the Read more

Hmm, well, yeah, that definitely sounds more like a bug. =p Let's hope they fix that. Read more

I'd be interested to hear how Tarantino was 'ripped off', considering his whole schtick. =p Read more

@Jandau: The responsiveness can be annoying but I've found it's usually to do with animation issues. Usually movement needs to be stopped and then commands given, can't seem to interrupt anything as you might expect. Read more

I'm not going to go on some PC-elitism rant or whatever, but it'll be interesting to see how a console audience handles the game's combat. It is not quite like any other game I've seen before (not played Demon's Souls, mind. Nor will a few 360 players, I imagine) but it is enjoyable when you keep these things in mind: Read more

You may be one of the 'lucky' ones whose console won't read certain discs due to the new firmware update. If so, apparently, Microsoft has been giving those people brand new 360s. Read more

Yeah, I'd had an idea it was one of (if not the) temp barman because they kept mentioning it. But I was HOPING at least one case wasn't friggin' BD. Read more

Press X or Die's review of The Witcher II is up! Read more

Geralt is not really superhuman (although he has undergone 'mutation') just that everything he has undergone is really to give him 'the edge' over monsters and other people. Read more

Much more enticing?! Well, if looks could kill...I'm staring daggers at you right now! Read more

Haha. I just plugged this the exact same time! Read more