hot_heart's discussions


Heavy use of fire is advised for both though. Read more

Now playing

No...nononono, Cole! You're supposed to say it faster.

The combat is drastically different but also quite tough until it 'clicks' for you (or you read the manual and get a sense for how it works). It can be quite demanding as you have to watch your spells, blocking, crowd control and such. I'd watch some videos on the prologue or read some reviews, I guess. Read more

'...and I want them to be called LA Noi2e and LA Noir3' Read more

It's not an option that comes up between desks as you progress through the story. As crews200 says, you go into the Traffic folder via the 'Cases' option on the main menu. Read more

The free roaming is kept separate from the main game. Once you've cleared all cases on a desk, there is an option to free roam in that desk's file (with that particular partner and default car) found in 'Cases' from the main menu. Read more

He might not have played either, and I only remember stories (especially ones concerning the protagonist) being told at campfires in RDR. Read more

I wouldn't say I approve of countdown timers but for Carmageddon I have to declare this a Cunning Stunt! Read more

In the style of what I believe is their first game (Ben There, Dan That!) they should've gone for: NeverBenDanBefore. Read more

Interesting. I'll pass that on. Thanks for the feedback and hope you like the site! Read more

Our games site had a recent redesign. Would love to hear what you think. Read more

If you want to get technical about it 'noire' is actually the female version of the adjective and cities are considered feminine nouns in French. Read more

No, no...I just can't think right now. Feeling a bit straw-brained... Read more

This must have been a hard easter egg to find. Like looking for a needle in a...something. Read more

Yeah, there may be potential there. Hopefully BioWare have a better handle on the dialogue system and being able to separate such incidents. Read more

I don't think they will be making any of the existing characters suddenly shift sexuality. Casey Hudson says as much [] (although he says 'not necessarily'). I can see how people might be worried by that, but it's not as if they're forcing you to engage in relationships with these people either. They have Read more