Evan Narcisse's saved articles

Evan Narcisse
Video games. Comic books. Blackness.

Cool I dind't know Karren Gillian was going to be in it! Read more

My guess is because Mr. Stark went through all the trouble to make those amazing flying weapons easily accessible to him and it'd be rude not to kill all the humans with them. And Ultron is many things but lacking in decorum is not one of them. Read more

I have been waiting for this movie since May 4th of 2012! Read more

Hate itself is a human concept, or better yet a biological response. Read more

Same for me, expecting a kid! We won't know the gender for another month or thereabouts, but to me that doesn't change my game plan. I'm just excited to share all of the cool things I've found in life so far (and just overjoyed that I'll be able to take my kid to STAR WARS in a MOVIE THEATER! I felt so robbed by my Read more

Thank god, I'm not the only one! I've been playing video games since about 1988. I was raised on games like The Legend of Zelda and Chip's Challenge - I feel like I know a thing or two about how to solve a video game puzzle. But I'll be damned if I don't get stuck on every Lego game I've played. And it's always Read more

Agreed, we've done several lego games across platforms, all good co op or 1 player. Same for Skylanders. Read more

I have 3 girls, 2, 4, and 7. They do not get to play video games. Maybe for short periods of time they can play stack the States, or endless alphabet, or nick jr. Drawing. Read more

I know that one. There were a couple of moments in the Lego Movie game and in the LoTR/hobbit games where I was completely stumped. Luckily, my Son was there to help. :-) Read more

When I was three, I played Super Mario World and Final Fantasy II (IV) on my own, although my dad did read FF to me. I doubt I was competent at them, but I do remember it fondly. Read more

My kid's 1 and obsessed with figuring out the 360 controller - with some success. Better believe I shared this one with my wife. Read more

Thanks for this suggestion. My daughter (3 1/2) has a couple games and interactive books on our iPad, but they don't really seem to keep her attention that long. She'd rather be playing Theatrhythm, Final Fantasy Tactics or Ski Safari despite the fact that she's not really able to do much in any of those games. This Read more

Super Mario 3D Land is VERY accessible. My 3 year old has a blast playing, and managed to get to the 4th land without using that magical "P" item (that takes you straight to the flag pole). I totally recommend it! Read more

I bought my son as copy of Guild Wars for his 5th birthday because he was completely enthralled watching me play. His 2nd grade teacher made a comment at a parent/teacher conference once that he was the only student she'd ever had to use the word 'catacomb' in a story he wrote. Read more

Thanks for a great article. My daughter is five and increasingly interested in video games. She plays mostly on the iPad. Touch interface really is the most intuitive for both the tactile quality and the lack of intermediary device between her and the actions on screen. Read more

I have always felt the same about LEGO games. But my 7 year old son just breezes through them like their nothing. I suspect that I'm expecting more of a "puzzle" than is what is really being presented. Most of the time (Specifically LEGO Marvel) its glowing thing in color X can only be activated by character Y. Read more

Yea that looks like a great game for kids that age. Flower was actually the first game I let my kid play by herself, or perhaps more accurately the first game she was actually interested enough in to play by herself. Read more

It's odd that lately I have seen a lot of parents saying this same thing. "I bought an old NES so my kid can play all the games I used to love!" or "I gave my son the homework of beating X game because it taught me so much as a young lad." This is a weird generation. Remember when we were kids and our parents were Read more

I've always thought using months to describe age after your child was a year old was silly. But when you say '48 months of existence on planet Earth'...wow. She JUST GOT HERE! Read more