Evan Narcisse's saved articles

Evan Narcisse
Video games. Comic books. Blackness.

I know you've been told this more than a few times here before, buuut: Read more

Great article. It's cool that you think about this so seriously. Read more

Any of the Lego games, 'Your Doodles are Bugged', 'Max and the Magic Marker' and minecraft (but not online and in creative mode). Lego Batman in particular is very kid-friendly. Read more

For a while there, I thought it'd either be Hohokum or Flower that I'd let her loose with. The elliptical feeling of the former game was edging out That Game Company's classic. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the aimless-on-purpose ethos of Hohokum and foggy causality—"But why did that Read more

I hope you post more insight like this. We are expecting our first child in April; a daughter. I come from a family of boys so this endeavor will be a life changing experience. I look forward to reading more! Read more

This looks like a great game for that age range! I'll have to download this for my 3 1/2 year old to play on her iPad. Read more

Ive had a game where by the end of the large jet (forget the name) is supposed to land..it doesn't..and everything starts floating but no details besides the plane lol. Read more

N00b question: is that vignette always enabled, or customizable? Read more

had this happen during a play session but I was the only person who got to see it, happened when I loaded into an already started match. Figured I was just lagging since they still beat the mission Read more

It starts off as Luke's Landspeeder and turns into the beginning of Back to the Future 2. Read more

Now playing

I had flashbacks to Nightmare on Elm street 2, where the guy's nightmare schoolbus ride would end up in the middle of some infinite canyon with small sand pillars holding the bus up.

I'd play this game and let my kids play it if it didn't use all the f-bombs and cussing. Read more

Looks to me like the level streaming broke... like, it failed to load the world after it glitched out. That's my professional opinion. Read more

I one encountered a glitch in GTA online where my character dident react to bodies of water nor was I affected by them. As in I could walk on the bottom of the ocean without drowning. Was pretty weird down there lol Read more

How quickly the AI goes from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds is definitely what makes it hilarious. Myself and a few of my friends act the same way in GTA:O when things escalate with fist fights > melee weapons > guns > rockets Read more

This is actually why I think Saints Row went so wrong with their 3rd and especially 4th installments. The appeal of GTA (and of the first two Saints Row games) is that you are placed in a world that greatly resembles our own. The game encourages you to unravel that realism, and in doing so things feel hilariously and Read more

Smite is my MOBA of choice at this point. DotA is just too punishing if you haven't played in a long time, and Smite's community outside of the ranked lists isn't too bad. Good for them that they're getting a competitive scene going. Read more