Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.
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Lol. Ricki and Justin standing there charging their meters reminds of the first time Tokido showed America the power of Urien’s Aegis Reflector.

It makes me happy to know someone used my main to wreck shit, even if they ultimately lost.
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Not gonna lie, I also thought Gotenks was pretty “meh”, but she makes him look pretty fucking baller. Kudos. Read more

Man, I ended up watching VODs of it and had it spoiled for me who would win, but that was still one of the most intense series I’ve watched. Glad Uzi got his trophy, and that someone other than Korea won. Now if NA could get its collective head in the game... Read more

CORRECT CHOICE, Splatfest! Donatello’s inventions were the sole reason the turtles didn’t get their asses handed to them 9 times out of 10 in the animated show. (We also wouldn’t have nearly as many shameless product tie-ins without Donnie, like the Retrocatapult.)

It was interesting to learn that so many teams, at every level, from quick match to the OWL pros, have the same problem - refusal to adapt team composition on the fly. Read more

So, the game you’ve been waiting years for was about to come out and Jason Schreier has just written an article about it...

The Fusion are really embracing the Philly sports ethos, and as a fan of Philly teams, I couldn’t be prouder. Read more

“The reason why I always carry around my good luck charm is because I always, constantly want to see my beautiful wife,” said Park. “So every time I miss her, I can just take it out and just see her face.” Read more

That third clip Vegeta combo was brutal. Go1 is S+ tier Read more

Knowing it was essentially workshopped via life experience makes it even better. Read more

Boston looked good going into this but they had way too many 3-2 victories this stage, they had grit but their 10-0 wasn’t a truly dominating one imo. Read more