They have a fantastic tank in Geguri, but their supports tend to be sitting ducks against any halfway competent DPS who gets a flank on them. They also seem to have only one decent DPS in Ado as Diya isn’t nearly reliable enough to get those picks constantly. Right now their team is half the level they need to be to… Read more
I’m pretty sure their first win will be against the fuel. Read more
At least they started bad and are getting better. Fuel started hypothetically good and get worse every stage. I think Fuel might fold before Dragons. Read more
That last one is so on point it hurts...
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The funny thing is, on a technical level, this was a really really smart tier pick. Because of the dimensions of the oversized characters are so different, 30% to 40% of all combos have to be altered to adjust just for that match up. And nobody ever puts in the time to actually anticipate meeting a high level Panda… Read more
Haha. I love this gif. Makes me laugh.
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Bastion-led pirate ships are super fun in QP where they have a supremely high success rate with a coordinated team. I usually trail as Mercy so I can alt between power boosting and healing, so the Bastion can just focus on mowing down everything in sight. Read more
this just reminds me that i will never be good at RTS games despite loving them. I play RTS games with the speed and accuracy of an old lady sorting through a plastic sleeved coupon book at the grocery store checkout. Read more
I played against an NRG guy in a standard competitive match this morning. They’re fucking good on their own I can only imagine what facing an entire team of them is like Read more
Yes! So happy to see some exciting SC coverage. I know it’s hard to get out of the shadow of overwatch right now, but boy do I love seeing articles like these. Read more
Dust 2 is the World 1-1 of shooters, in that I judge every FPS’s quality based on how accurately I can recreate Dust 2 within its editor. Read more
Play video games all day and tell your editors that you’re “blogging” or some shit. Read more
Eric really bringing the sick tunes, lately! Read more
Now this is what I’ve been looking for. I’ve watched some people play Hearthstone, but I guess the whole WoW/Blizzard lore—I’ve never really been a part of the fandom—never grabbed me, but I got into Magic after some of my friends started playing, and after a quite literal “Heart of the Cards” moment a few months ago… Read more