Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

I also love when games let you continue after finishing a quest in a less than favorable way. It gives another reason for multiple playthroughs. That’s what was missing from L.A. Noire as it was basically impossible to fail. Read more

There’s an edited video that’s funny af:
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Was a really fun game to watch. That 4k from Pine on Widow was one of the sickest plays we’ve seen so far in the OWL. Read more

Scarlett’s been one of my favorite players for a while, so I’m ecstatic to see her doing so well right now. She’s always been a great macro player, but now her early rushes and aggressiveness just takes her play to a whole new level. NoRegret, another Canadian Zerg who’s known for his aggressiveness, has been coaching Read more

The genre really fell by the wayside for a variety of reasons, but I think a big one might be that RTSs with a really high skill ceiling end up not being as fun to play for casual players, while ones that streamline the genre’s demand for impossibly fast multitasking either don’t have the fast-paced for esports or Read more

It was amazing watching a foreign player whip these Korean pros so soundly last night. Scarlett literally did things with Zerg I’ve never seen in a pro game, and I’ve watched thousands. She’s going to have a tough road in the Ro8, but I believe! Read more

Arturo watching this Twitch stream like:

He was the linchpin for the Universe 7 baseball team and ended up winning it for them.

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I like how this is a thing and there is an actual Yamcha renaissance going on among the fandom.

Thanks for the write up - really glad you guys covered the grand final. That was an incredible match... great production, clutch plays, and awesome crowd! Read more

Ah yes, I meant to say he was looking for a win on two different teams but flubbed it. Updated the above to clarify. Read more

CS:GO proves again that it’s by far the most exciting esport to watch even as a casual viewer that has no experience with the game itself, seriously one of the most hyped experiences I’ve ever had while watching esports. Read more

I don’t even watch competitive CS:GO and that was exhilarating   Read more

TALK TO ME! These guys need to be paired at every EVO. Passionate, articulate, and fun to listen to. If you weren’t hyped about Guilty Gear, you were at the end of that riff. Read more

That bracket reset was the hypest thing I’ve seen on Twitch. And man that fighting games speech was amazing. Read more

That YamatoCannon is pretty good at building a bunch of rookies into contenders. Read more

Its actually really annoying. It isn’t unlikely to have fights where 4 people use it and nobody ends up dying. It does feel slightly good when you use it, but you’re essentially cock blocking the 5 people on the enemy team, so its really annoying. Read more