Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

That’s the most intense Splatoon thing I have ever seen Read more

I do not know the gentleman described in this article, and so I will not comment upon him directly.

What I will say is that there’s a definite line between standard “shit talk” in an online game and being an absolute piece of human garbage—for me, anyway.

That line tends to exist between saying, “O, you got REKT, son,” Read more

It’s kind of expected that if you are involved in a production that does not air live, you cannot talk about it until it airs. I don’t know how that was surprising. Read more

I always love the super short speed runs. Racing for a 7 second race, but probably spent dozens of hours at it. Read more

I never played a visual novel in my life, though one of my nephews likes them, and at my age (55) they don’t seem to be directed at me :) Read more

Yakuza 0 on a best of list? You’re good people, Van Allen. You’re good people. Read more

Getting the contrast in taste and opinion from everyone at the end of the year is one of my favorite parts of the end-year round-ups. Read more

Hope I’m not too late. In Halo 3 I shot the elusive perfect game in team death match and have the medal to show for it. Not only that, the 15th kill came when the score was 49-49 and some guy was rushing me with a beam saber. The only reason I survived, won the game and the medal, was quickly switching to shotgun. No Read more

In Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, playing with a mate who ran the website I wrote for. We were playing spies. Read more

Mine is a little more obscure of a game. I was playing Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. There were three enemies capturing a control point. I am rushing towards the point as the jet class. I take out 2 of the 3 on my approach. Fly past the point, and then transform to robot form in mid-air and finish off the remaining Read more

Mine is a bit older but involves the game C&C Renegade. Since this is an old game, the basic premise is that each team has a base. Each base has a harvester that gets $, a barracks and a vehicle building. Each player starts as a basic soldier with a gun and gains $ each time the harvester returns and you can buy a Read more

This one comes from way back. During a particularly heated battle in Planetside 1, my TR squad and I were in a Sunder heading to to take over an important tower that would get the spearhead into VC territory moving. Along the road we were attacked by a magrider. After a pitched battle over land and sea, the magrider Read more

My multiplayer moment of glory came with a Half-Life mod called ‘The Specialist’. It was gun-fu at its best with a slew of weaponry including all things akimbo, the ability to dive and roll, and collect power-ups. Read more


Summer of 2002, my mum and I had developed a weekly or so ritual of playing the board game Battleship all throughout high school. It was the final game before I went off to college 5 hours away.

The games are usually competitive, but this one it felt like we were trading shots evenly, until we’re both down to our Read more

Gulf of Oman BF2, beta. Flipped a dune buggy down an alley, by accident got three Roadkills. Thus a gamertag of Sgt.Roadkill was born which i used for about 8 years. Nothing has come close to that. Read more