Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

the best part for me, is that this is SK’s first ever tournament playing with boltz, and he isn’t even technically on the team yet. Read more

Someone start a petition to get this in Evo. Read more

It’s the wait for the patch that really does it to em. Read more

Did Phreak just casually drop DE TING GOES BRRRRA in that last clip there? Read more

I think RNG’s idea was that SKT’s bot lane is weak atm and if Faker did not play a burst or control mage then SKT can’t win. Except that’s what they were wrong about, Faker and SKT are exceptional - Faker is the messi of LoL, the best player who’ll ever play the game. In the words of Papa: “SKT T1 are more than an Read more

Still one of my favorite ARGs of all time, right up there with I Love Bees. Read more

Man this is nostalgic. I was in high school at the time it came out, and I was the first in my group of friends to hear about it and spread the word. I didn’t have any involvement with the community after, I had assumed it ended after the third video he made, I’ll have to go check out the rest. Read more

Wow, did anyone else just rewatch that for the first time in years and suddenly realize why you like Twin Peaks: The Return so much? Read more

It was a very interesting time to be involved — I think it prepared me for future fandom interactions. People were really interested in Homestuck, MLP, and a few other things all right at that time and it was like... this place where all these places intersected. I remember when people in the community began to Read more

Now playing

Alex Hall’s goodbye to Ben Drowned as the form of an april fools video is pretty great after everything

It’s absolutely the case. Being able to read how a driver can take a corner is seriously a major part of racing. And the pros are all typically really good at this and they STILL make mistakes. Read more

Given that there are much smaller games with a much much much smaller median:

It works out. :/ <- Says the 7-8 year iRacer Read more

There would need to be a lot of collected data to figure out how to babe people together and the model for doing so would need to be both flexible and scalable, which I’m sure they will be accounting for. Read more

Good idea, but if they really want to change players’ behavior they need instant feedback when players violate the rules. There should be popups telling you whenever your rating gets pinged and why.

iRacing does this and its why iRacing has the best online community among racing games.

Anything short means drivers will Read more

Shame they didn’t have him narrate those...

Last night I had my first collision incident online. I was 2nd and balls to balls with a car. We were both taking a hard right turn on a wide piece of road and I hit the turn better than him so I was starting to pass him. All of a sudden, he smashes into my left rear bumper, I lose control and fly off the track. The Read more

That was a liquid-smooth execution on the taunt. He’s likely practiced to notice openings for it.
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“MTGKid” - in a few years to be MTGDude, followed by MTGGuy, and finally MTGGeezer, I assume. :P Read more