And this is why Weegee is best brother, hands-down.
(...yes, I’m one of those kids who wanted to play Luigi even on the first SMB on the NES, when he was nothing more than a palette-swap for Mario—because fuck Mario, that’s why.
...or, really, because I’ve always been tall and kinda lanky, even as a kid. We beanpoles… Read more
This guy brought some much-needed fun to the scene, so I hope that he brings the same energy to whatever org he joins now. Read more
It’s pretty slick, but a part of me just goes Read more
Death rains from abrrmpf! Read more
So, my 10 year old son wanted to play Stardew Valley. As tradition, we always start a new game sitting together on the couch. I let him play and he asks me for help if he doesn’t understand something and we sort of fumble through it together. We started playing around 7pm. At 8:30pm, game goes off and he gets ready… Read more
Yeah things are still pretty bad out there, they have aid coming in but its slow getting to the areas farther from the shipping ports. A lot of roads are still impassable with trees and power lines down all over the place. I talked to family out there for a few minutes, some areas have phones but you are only allowed… Read more
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ASW didn’t even need to ask fans to beg. Take that, Bandai Namco.
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Important to point out: These are open qualifiers. Literally anyone and their friends can sign up for these, and compete for 1 spot out of 1048 Read more
Thankfully, there were no items inside. Read more