Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

For the McGregor/Mayweather fight, I didn’t feel like going somewhere to atch it after a long day of work, but also wasn’t going to pay for a PPV of a fight I knew wouldn’t live up to the manufactured hype. So I went to Youtube to try and find a live stream that wasn’t taken down. I knew I shouldn’t, I should go Read more

I stayed up to watch those games as well. That final Jayce pick in the top lane was horrible given how little Svenskeren came to gank that lane. Read more

Now playing

Yes, hello. I’m the streamer from this event. The full HD archive for this game’s top 4 can be found here:

To be honest, I didn’t realize this was still a thing. I remember going to the NWC in 1990 and earning the semi-finalist hat (which I still have) and being able to play up on the big stage. Read more

Man, it blew my mind when they did that in The Wizard and I didn’t think they’d ever do it again. Read more

Mario is a monster, he takes over your hand Evil Dead Style to make you play “Stop Hitting Yourself” Read more

But did either of them break out the Power Glove? Read more


Hopefully either the monitor he practices on is the exact same size or he did the math on that ratio. Read more

I wonder if he gets a custom made one like a fight stick....if so i guess you could say it was made to measure Read more

That Rekkles flash though.

Games have been sick so far this year. EDG should’ve won their game against SKT too, but you never bet against SKT. Read more

So obviously the structure of these pants are great but the patterns on the leggings are a challenge. One I was willing to take on!

This is why I thought it was hilarious that Nintendo unveiled the Switch by showing an e-sports level of competition for Splatoon. I already knew they weren’t going to get the server stuff correct (since when did Nintendo get any online portion of their games 100% correct?) so that global teams could properly form and Read more