Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

I originally thought he mentioned his actual salary which depending on company rules is against policy so I would understand getting in trouble. But a vague reference to an amount isnt worth punishing especially since he’s talking shit and it could be way less then “100 times”. The most I can see is they gave him a Read more

I get that. Its up to the person to say, “Hey I actually got in to play against so-and-so” then proceed to close the stream. Sure you may miss your moment of glory on the stream, but hopefully it gets put on VOD and you can watch it later. Read more

I’m terribly amused by Kripp’s attitude in this video. He comes off as the conspiracy theorist who has just miraculously been vindicated and is whispering into the mirror ‘I was right, I knew I was right all along!’ Read more

The strong hero component in Dota is so interesting to me, sometimes the draft is one of the most exciting parts of the game. Teams really have to remain versatile with the roster, which really leads to some compelling outcomes.  Read more

I thought the same thing at first but it’s really not! Think of it like how real-world sports have standardized field and court sizes, so regardless of where you’re playing the “terrain” is more or less the same, allowing there to be a more uniform setting for the sport. Read more

replaced some trees with fountains, making it strange when heroes would use tangos to eat them. Read more

I didn’t realize this when watching yesterday, but it did seem like some of the map was underwater. This is kind of disappointing, because it seemed pretty cool looking. Ah well. Read more

So for those building gear either for ranked or turf war, any brand you’d recommend, and strategies for which abilities are best? Read more

Whew this story is getting around, what sucks is that I run a smaller gaming cruise called GaCuCon Game Cruise. It’s not full charter, just a large group with dedicated gaming room and events.

We’re about to enter our second sailing in 2018 but this is going to hurt us too from the lost of trust people may have in the

Maybe they could offer hastily thrown together Merican “cheese” and white bread sandwiches and some lettuce in styrofoam containers, for that authentic non-existent-event event feeling. Read more

I assume Gamer Tech Events will follow through on their promise to guarantee their investors an extra hour in the ball pit?

To this day, one of the hardest games I ever tried to pick up and play. Glad to hear they’re making it more approachable! Read more

I love this game. The levels (aside from the water levels), the way Mario controls (not the N64 controller), and the length are damn near perfect as far as 3D platformers are concerned. I’ve beaten it almost annually since it came out. As much as I enjoyed Galaxy 2, I’ve never felt compelled to play it again like I do Read more

I think for a lot of people it is just that first hurdle of getting used to them. If you have them on and you try to use the Y on your stick, it is going to frustrate the hell out of you and after a few times of doing this most people turn it off.

My biggest tip is you really need to max that sensitivity out, esp on Read more

Splatoon 2 has some really aggravating matchmaking issues, but the gameplay is great (when it doesn’t saddle you with a team of terrible randos). Read more

Motion controls might be better but I play in handheld mode a bunch, and in bed, and motion controls there just don’t work well. Read more

Curious to see if any teams pick them up. With the revenue generated by stickers for the Valve-sponsored majors, I would doubt big name teams with big name sponsors (i.e., Cloud 9) would want to jeopardize that. Read more

I would LOVE if FIFA 2018 included match-fixing, bribery and a “commissioner mode”. Read more

Such an insane major. Every top team went out early, and the two teams that everyone likes to bag on for being “bad” ended up going to the finals, after they both beat two former world champions. Read more