Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

The main character in story mode’s name is Joey Bastard (a play on Joey Barton, notorious Premier League and a England bad boy). The creator clearly knows his football. Read more

As a latin american, I should be offended someone is misrepresenting Futbol. Read more

“Kickmen doesn’t even do corner kicks” Read more

I think some of this is regression to the mean. They lost to Afreeca early on and looked vulnerable, then got the ship turned around. Also they had a couple close matches before the (lame) Rivals break, and they came back from that break looking tired and disinterested and unhappy. They were probably not as good as Read more

This is really good for the sport in my opinion. I respect the hell out of SKT, but I’d love to see another team win it all. It’s such a cool scene. If you are sports fan casually reading these articles like I use to, give pro LoL a shot. I have so much fun watching it. I’m getting to the point where I care more about Read more

I’m in the EU. Bought one thing from them because they were the only ones selling official Valve merch. The shipping was as much as the item itself. I have no idea why Welovefine do not have a European distribution centre, I’m sure there would be a lot more demand if there was. Read more

We love fine has been a shit show at times. I think either last year or two years ago they messed up my order’s quantities and shipping time really badly and then charged the wrong amount. Read more

I was there! Holy crap these people are amazing!

That last KO was absolutely epic. I actually popped off my chair in excitement when it happened! Read more

This is why I love watching tournaments of this game. Infinites happen so often, and players always pull funny stuff during them. It’s great. Read more

thats my “Getting zoned by Aquaman/Deadshot on Injustice 2 online” face Read more

They need to release a competitive mode of Catherine for PC and PS4. Read more

This is what probably happened.
Client side on the tracer player’s pc: It missed.
Spectator’s side, and probably everyone except tracer, because of latency, thinks it hits. But since the tracer’s pc reported that it missed, and ow favors the shooter/attacker for these kinda things, the server corrected its position Read more

It seems like the game client said “it stuck” but the server said “you missed” and the bomb went past him. You can see the yellow explosion happen behind 76.