Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

In many shooters, visual indicators of hits are displayed client-side, and actual hits are registered server side, and there can be a discrepancy if your latency is high enough. Which is [supposedly] why you can see like 10 blood spatters on a guy you’re shooting in PUBG and still not kill them. Read more

The thing I’m curious about in the future is how this model will compare with the ‘sports team’ model that people like Blizzard are pushing. Where advertising revenue is going to be the primary source of player salaries rather than prize packages. Read more

As someone who studies cultural anthropology and took several human sexuality classes this is seriously the biggest non-issue I’ve ever heard of. A foot fetish could be one of the most common kinks out there. Read more

I miss the days of Quake III Arena Threewave god damn I had some fun games on that game. Read more

If you holf block with ninjara he auto dodges every punch that comes your way. You dont have to re up your guard actually and when cornered this “passive” ability becomes a disadvantage because he tries to dodge but has no room to do it and gets hit with the Rush. Read more

I’m a bit happy that the champion used Springman. Poor guy doesn’t get as much respect as the other characters. Read more

Been destroying doomfist with Pharrah. He’s huge and only has 250 health. He’s the perfect cannon fodder for Pharrah. Read more

I’ve had a massive amount of success against Doomfist with Widowmaker. Her long range combined with the fact that he has a massive hitbox, slows down massively to charge his punch, and hovers for a little while after he uses his uppercut make him a supremely easy to hit target from afar. And even if he gets close, you Read more

Seeing this video, and having played a wee bit of doomfist myself, I do think the hardest thing they are going to have to work out is his hit boxes. Read more

Watched entire run, could have been boring, but the couch commentary made it so awesome it became one of my favourite runs this week, along with the Kingdom Hearts 2 segment. Read more

I saw most of the run, it’s surprising how entertaining it was, definitely props to the couch for pulling it off. Also, the run itself was amazing too. Read more

If you exit the vehicle while it is coasting slowly, the brake lights will turn off. Read more

I’d be pro having some indication that the car is ‘warm’. Like maybe the car has some steam coming out, or makes popping\fan sounds (like your real-life car can do when cooling down) if it has been driven recently. Read more

Very, very cool to get the actual story behind the photo. I’ve definitely seen it bandied about here and there over the years, and while my friends and I did a great many things with duct tape in the 90's as teenagers—particularly on marching band trips—none of us ever tried taping someone to an i-beam for a LAN party.

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Hell anyone from Michigan could have told you thats a “Michigan Basement” haha Read more

Really should have just followed NRS’s lead with Injustice 2 where there’s a specific “tournament mode” where custom stuff is banned. Read more
