Glad to see my countryman doing so well on the competitive scene.
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Glad to see my countryman doing so well on the competitive scene.
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Sunny is a goddamn god. Can’t wait to see him in the major. Read more
After all the in-tournament cheating scandals, I just can’t enjoy watching competitive CS:GO anymore. Rather than being impressed, I find myself thinking, “didn’t he track just a little too directly towards the second guy’s head?” etc. It gets exhausting, because you can’t help but analyze every minute detail.
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Reminds me of the Smash 4 customs saga a couple years ago. I think getting every tournament setup to have all ARMS unlocked is going to be pretty hard (and I’m not particularly knowledgeable about this, but isn’t the Switch kind of iffy with swapping save data and stuff? So I don’t anticipate it being easy to set up).… Read more
it should also point out that IMT was a team that lost a fair amount of star players on their team. Reignover and Huni were a great duo and IMT lost both players. They also had a strong mechanical jungler by the name of Dardoch. Then they had a seasoned veteran by the same of Wildturtle. They lost ALL of these… Read more
For Bison, that was the most painful day of his life. For Chun-Li, it was Tuesday Read more
Heh, the Vaporize was funny, but he probably figured he was dead on field anyways. You always have to assume the mage is sitting on a Fireball. Read more
Dear kid at the bowling alley that runs the SFII arcade game using only E Honda sumo headbutts: fuck you. Read more
Looks pretty...N-Gaging. Read more
Helix is love. And if you hate Helix, you hate love. And for that, you should be pushed into a sarlacc pit.
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Poor guy finally escapes the fate of being flushed down the drain that the rest of his test tube brethren suffered only for Cecilia to talk bad about him. Read more
This was pretty awesome to watch. I caught it after they were already a few games in and had the board with the crossed out heroes on it. It is amazing to watch great players choose non-meta picks and still make it happen! Read more