Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Thanks for the response Eric, I appreciate you taking this seriously. For AAPI gamers reading otherwise good video game coverage, it’s these little things that can often alienate ! Read more

I think that this an interesting dynamic between the more grassroots part and the more corporate aspects. Its also interesting to compare dota2s pro scence versus the league of legends pro scene. As a viewer, i much more prefer leagues weekly competition broadcasts, which are closer to professional sports in Read more

Good for him man. The smash competitive scene needs some more confidence and joy and less salt. Read more

Zack is a cool dude. I find it less important that he’s 15 and more important that he’s confident; that’s what makes him so impressive and fun to watch, not that he’s young. Having the confidence to demonstrate your personality despite the haters is awesome to see and leads to entertaining sets whenever he’s involved. Read more

I actually really like the final “...judges?” moment waiting for the results to be shown, where no one knows who won. The audience doesn’t, the casters don’t, and not even the players know who won. Everyone together eagerly awaits the scores to be shown, to ensure a simultaneous reaction from all parties. With most Read more

If the story resembles fanfiction then the best way MvCI’s story mode would end is that after the story’s end credits it’s revealed that Kamala Khan had written it and finished uploading it online.

Was a great tournament! It was surprising to see how easily Liquid handled EG in the finals, because EG were rolling everybody up until then.
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“Sweet, I got these +3 nikes of destruction!” Read more

>The story mode will be broken up into six chapters, each with their own objectives, and will follow Hunter on a global scale, from Brazil to the States. Read more

It’s not my type of game, but I actually like that more games are catering to people who like more risk/difficulty. Although it was frustrating as all hell sometimes, I genuinely loved the risk of PVP in my old MUD, where getting killed by another player usually meant a full loot, and losing literally every item you Read more

this sounds cool. i’m not a fan of mobas, i was reminded pretty hard during the heroes of the storm event for overwatch skins. all i could think, was how much more fun i would be having if i was playing diablo with these characters instead of a PVP game. anyway it’s not enough to make me download their game again Read more

Here is another one... -_-

I got an accidental grapple kill today. I was trying to grapple an enemy Titan so I could rodeo it and hit a pilot who was bouncing around it. I hit F at just the right moment, scoring the kill. Read more

yeah no that’s bullshit. also I don’t care how good kenshiro is. star plat could just stop time and own him. fight over. no contest Read more

Now playing

I love hooks, whether you are getting pulled or doing the pulling. In that moment you know you got them or got outplayed. My favorite has to be Ares’ multi person hook ultimate in SMITE.

Hooks and other game mechanics that allow you to move another player out of position are some of my favorite things. I’ve been playing a ton of HotS lately and using characters like Stitches, Alarak, and Auriel is right up my alley. Even Diablo’s ability to reposition an enemy can be devastating. Moving someone out of Read more

The hook of a hook is simple

Sad to see the comments so hostile to the Melee community. If the community were as toxic as you think, it wouldn’t be growing at a crazy rate. It felt like a warmer community 10 years ago, but that’s probably just because it was smaller, and I don’t find it any different today than other competitive titles. Read more