Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Would it be good for Smash as an e-sport if Nintendo pushed it? Maybe. Probably. Nintendo has no experience with e-sports though. They are obsessively controlling of their properties, though. If they really dove in to the smash pro scene I think the current smash scene would be scrapped. It would be transformed into Read more

I was completely obsessed with this. So much more entertaining than the typical approach to streaming a tournament, which makes it very tough to relate to the players or get any sense of their personalities. Really hoping this catches on and other top players stream their games. It would be great for overwatch esports. Read more

To most of the world, Seagull is known for his Overwatch plays these days. Read more

Always great to see examples of how to effectively communicate with a team. If people want to copy the pro’s meta so much then they should learn to adapt the same communication styles. Read more

its one thing to do this against newbies on casual, but to see this stuff starting to happen on high level competition? Read more

I was expecting to see “what a save!”or “nice one!” spammed on the chat after a play like that. Read more

I’ve played thousands of games of rocket league and honestly never thought of doing that. Read more

In the first video he explained the rules you mentionned, in the second video he wonders if the first player will take the risk of trying to take the shortcut while jumping (0:34) and he builds up the excitement and then the player missed and the other one stays in front because he used the ‘safe way’. In the third Read more


I understand just enough French to know that he’s not going completely berserk... he’s just doing a good job of keeping up the enthusiasm! In the last one, he’s shouting that the player made it and wondering if it was really enough to secure first place.  Read more

This happened a lot to me with some old console hockey games. The puck would slide and vibrate against some invisible wall even with the stick trying to push it and then it would magically get pulled to the goalie’s glove. It was hilariously infuriating. I wish I had a capture card then.
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“How do they get away with that!?” No hitscan for starters. Read more

SonicFox is really good at the NRS games, but Tekken Master did win the MKX tournament at Combo Breaker. If I recall, SonicFox hasn’t been able to win the Injustice event at Combo Breaker in the past 3 or 4 years. Read more

He also won first in Skullgirls and got third in MKX, but if someone were to beat him in Injustice 2, I think it’ll be TekkenMaster, he gave him a good run at Evo last year in MKX, that was a super hype match. Read more

Oh I wish Killer Instinct got as much credit as it deserved, while it does have the Ki world cup I just think with Capcom really saturating Tournaments with SFV and Netherrealm and WB putting their muscle into Injustice 2 I still really felt Microsoft could have put so much more into Killer Instinct Read more

There are few things in Dota as entertaining/frustrating as watching a Puck style on the enemy team... Read more