Even if the resolution was the issue then why didn’t he address the issue before the match started? I’m pretty sure they let him mess with the system settings (AKA: the resolution of the system) before he starts the match. If I was an elite pro Tekken player, I would be able to see the resolution problems long before… Read more
Digital Foundry will be all over it with a comparison video. I got my doubts that this suffers frame drops. The other fighting games this gen that have used Unreal (both 3 and 4) have performed just fine at 60fps and 1080p, and Namco’s fighting game team isn’t exactly known for releasing games with shoddy performance.… Read more
I’m glad I live in one of the few areas with a third strike scene in America. If you are interested in learning the game or finding a scene that might be near you this is a handy guide https://www.yumpu.com/xx/embed/view/QEHigXVIyr9OfCvh Read more
For all the people who harp on people hanging on to a 16 year old game named SSBM, it’s not that long of a timeline compared to those in the FGC who still hang on to games like 3S, Super Turbo, A3, etc. Yet, you never see Kotaku editorials about how people need to move on to SFV, merely because it’s the latest game… Read more
The woman seems to be enjoying the fact she got a double KO, the guy on the other hand is way to serious about it. I know its a tournament but when something crazy like this happens you might as well just laugh. Read more
Because I’m not really into the FPS or MOBA scene this was my first real experience with esports and I enjoyed it watching it for the most part (the matches anyway, the color analysts all sucked). Despite not knowing really any of the competitors outside of a few names via passing whispers I walked away with a bit of… Read more
On a side note, I’m just glad to see people actually acknowledging Pinoy gamers and the gaming scene in Manila for once.
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