Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Truthfully, there were no winners here, because nobody dropped The People’s Elbow. Read more

I grow concerned over the doping culture being cultivated in Competitive Dota 2 Rage Quitting. Read more

That crowd looks exactly like what I pictured a Golden Tee championship to look like. Read more

More companies need to support their fighting games with tournament money and events. KOF 14 online died out pretty quickly. Injustice 2 is pretty hot right now, and I hope they keep that momentum going. Read more

This is amazing news. Can’t wait to see the matches that come out of this. Glad more companies are able and willing to do this outside of Capcom. Read more

Ah, the ol’ sitting on the tipping point of a swivl chair when the feet are facing out in an open arch.

Being a pro gamer is hard, man. You’ve got to train day in and day out, travel constantly, deal with sponsors’ and managers’ demands and keep your body and personal life in check. It’s also majorly exhausting (and invisible) work to keep up your personal brand. Pro gamers are always streaming, tweeting, making videos, Read more

This game is weird...and delightful! Played it for its entire life on and off competitively and still feel like I only understand a fraction of its mechanics sometimes. Read more

It was a really good series from both teams and while they certainly weren’t on an equal level, especially in games 3 and 4, the margins were small enough to make it a competitive match. Especially Perkz showed that he could hang with Faker and G2 as a team also had some very good rotations to secure first tower Read more

One game off SKT is impressive, putting them to the test in 3 of the 4 games is practically unheard of, unless you’re the Flash Wolves aka SKT Kryptonite. Read more

Not staged. If it was Robin would not have risked those last few hits that could very easily have won the match if they did even 1/10th more damage then they did. Nobody is THAT precise when faking. Read more

Isn’t there a trophy/achievement for making a comeback from 10% health when your opponent has a 90% health advantage? I’ve seen a lot of players trying to do this. Read more

By 2 minutes? So going 3-2 to win would have made him late... Daaaaaamn letsgooooo ally Read more

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As a FUT and FIFA player, I would appreciate the comp. scene more if there were a salary cap, because as it stands, every pro plays with the same 11-15 players....It’s super annoying and boring to watch what are essentially all 95-99 rated players in one of three formations, 4-1-2-1-2(narrow), 4-4-2(flat) or a