Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Building community in sports games is hard. FIFA and Madden do so much better almost exclusively because of Ultimate Team. 2K having so many modes and so much stuff to do is almost a detriment in the sense, with FIFA and Madden, like a fighting game, most people playing consistently play competitively (unless they’re

I see why the 2K league is being tried - it seems like the logical way to get regular sports fans interested in esports. Someone who couldn’t care less about shooting fantasy characters or pushing a lane would, on paper, be more interested in a game version of the sport they enjoy. However, I think that’s only a Read more

If you go to the “Badges” section of your profile and scroll to Dota 2 and then click the text that says “How do I earn card drops?” It should tell you how much you’ve spent. Like so:

A lot of people are missing the point of the argument. I don’t believe the idea of having a coach is bad for the sport or competitive parity. The issue is time. Read more

I’m cool with coaching, but with two caveats:

1. Time limit. Not sure what would be appropriate. 2 Minutes maybe?

2. I support a rule that says only the loser of the last match can be coached. This is because momentum is *incredibly* important and the winner should have no way to manipulate it. If the loser wants Read more

I don’t see why this is an issue. Getting coached is allowed in real combat sports too, and in pretty much every other sport I can think of. Shit, even golfers will take some coaching/tips/opinions from their caddies. Read more

The ensuing bout between the two reinforced the gulf between an average Joe and a Street Fighter pro.
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Ditching the respawn talents was a great idea IMO, not only were they really quite boring as talents but in my eyes too many heroes got them that really didn’t need them, only the hardline supports were likely to die regularly enough that it made sense for them to have them. Read more

Fuck, not usually one to get sentimental over people I don’t know personally but that legitimately stings. Sheever has been a pillar of the community since the beginning, always a joy to see her pop up at tournaments. Read more

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I’m saying he’s the Undertaker.


Dieminion’s been a top-level Guile since before Du had ever even considered playing SF competitively. If anyone’s going to beat Du in that mirror, it’s him.
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So you would prefer JoeMokes? Read more

football is stupid and fuck the jets and fuck the bears and ESPECIALLY fuck the patriots Read more

PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload. Read more

Now playing

Old clip, but still fun. When you play a ranked match and get Dendi as opponent.

The breakdown on this one was the best one I’ve seen so far, the screenshots and step by step definitely helped clear things up a little. Keep up the good work!
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VGCW is one of my favorite pieces of gaming culture. A group of people took the quirky, and sometimes broken, WWE 2K engine and story mode, and turned it into something truly special. Read more

Wrestling fans might be used to hearing Justin Roberts introduce names like John Cena Read more

to clarify, in my head canon version, genji then begins to fall, but pharah—who is not actually dead—catches him at the last second and saves his life. at that point it’s obvious that pharah is a good and noble soul, and mercy and her fly off into the sunset together to begin a life of bliss and pocket healing Read more