Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Ice Climbers landing a wobble grab on Jigglypuff would’ve been awful, so I don’t blame the dude for abusing his mobility and running out the timer. Read more

To be fair, that ice climber grab combo is bullshit, and especially devastating against jigglypuff. I’m not saying the timeout is exciting, but it was the right call. Read more

I managed to catch Game 2 and 3 at work, and I have to say this was probably some of the best Dota I have seen in months. The back and fourth the highs and the lows, this was a roller coaster of emotions. When EG got wiped in their base during game 3 and had to panic buyback just to have a chance to stay in the game Read more

This was so epic to watch. SG’s run has been incredible and they totally proved themselves this weekend. I’m looking forward to how they play at all of the rest of the majors this year. It’s really hard not to root for those guys. Read more

Sumail is an absolute joy to watch. Read more

I really love watching Sumail play, that dude just has some amazing presence and can turn a whole match by playing super competent. Read more

I’m loving this event, what an amazing game dota is. I’m so glad that I got to watch todays match between SG and EG, both performed amazingly Read more

As a fellow Peach player, having consistent dashbacks is a huge deal. If you can’t consistently nail the dashback, Peach’s chaingrab on fast-fallers (most importantly Fox and Falco) becomes almost useless and the matchup gets way harder. Just some insight into why Armada might want to drop out rather than play if his Read more

I suppose it’s all about rankings and such, but if he actually showed up I don’t see why he doesn’t just try his best with what he has at his disposal. Could still do pretty well and walk away with a bit o’ cash. Read more

Smash is fun, but the controller thing is crazy. Pros know that only 1%-3% of controllers are viable, yet people will aruge about the “fairness” of the Smash Box controller. Read more

This was a really fantastic example of Team Secret (read: Puppey) getting cocky after thoroughly dominating SG in the first match and then getting tilted by a team that was oh-so-prepared to do so. SG proved they belong with this series win. I don’t know if they can beat Evil Geniuses after the absolutely thrashing Read more

For those people who are interested, and aren’t making smartass remarks because you don’t understand or care about Dota and just want to try and be funny, it should be interesting to note these guys made it to the Major because it’s the first one to have a separate qualifier for the South America region. Usually it’s Read more

Lol I love how people make fun of foreigners speaking their languages. My wife is Brazilian. The ways her family mispronounce English words is hilarious. And I don’t mean that in a mean way. It’s a foreign language. Of course they say certain words poorly. I say Portuguese words terribly very often. But this douche Read more

My first reaction to this is sorta conflicted. I am Brazilian, living in the US, and I hear things coming out of my compatriots (and family and friends) mouths that make me seriously cringe. So I repeat to myself, different cultural context, norms, attitudes, etc and get over it. But his douchey kid right here is Read more

A dramatic reenactment of Canids’ brain over the course of this controversy:

It’s been a great tourney so far, with some really good games and a lot of teams clearly capable of winning. Lots of heroes being played, not too many naga/tinker games .... I approve!
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I bet everyone on the team just wants senpai to notice their play.
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I always let a little bit of air out of junkrats tire before the game starts : #deflateults Read more

Let me remind everyone that Dellor’s free speech wasn’t violated. Toronto Esports has no obligation to give his bigotry a platform. Especially in Canada, where free speech isn’t absolute and there are restrictions on hate speech. Read more