Good job on dumping his ass, Toronto. Read more
Good job on dumping his ass, Toronto. Read more
You may already know this, but in addition to allowing the muting of all voice chat channels, “Overwatch” has a built-in profanity filter. Certainly, some people will try to get around it, but in my experience, this hardly ever happens. Additionally, the EU servers are apparently exceptionally quiet, so you could play… Read more
“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult” Read more
win 2 and near reverse sweep? I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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To be fair the wife and kid probably wanted him to go back to work. I mean could you imagine spending more that a day with that guy? Read more
Just to add that this throne is not just any throne. It’s known as the Bonjwa Throne, a title given to the best esports players in history in Korea, something of a legendary status. Only 4 players I believe ever received this honor (Faker being the 4th) along with BoxeR, iloveoov, and SavioR. Faker received it in… Read more
Pumped for Peanut, as he had some up and down performances with the SKT T1 squad this split. Read more
Thanks for the writeup, didn’t know all of this. I’ve been watching Dota for about 1.5 years now, and initially was a huge fan of the free-agent nature of the pro scene ... but lately it seems like its not good for the game or a lot of the players. I’d be a fan of rosters and contracts being set for a year, on both… Read more
Long live Melee, the incredible grassroots phenomenon that continues to be hype af. Read more