Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Also to add to that, if you had a blink dagger, or one of the many heroes that have some sort of “move/teleport” ally ability as an ally too. There are plenty of ways this can usually dealt with, but unfortunately this was a case where they got really outplayed with it. Read more

Getting that close to another man’s face is kind of ‘not my thing but cool if that is how you roll’ but I agree both seemed to take it well and yeah that match was not even close. Better then some of the more aggressive or disrespectful alternatives.
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That’s my gut reaction seeing the lead gif, but after reading the story I’m less sympathetic. Did you watch the video of their previous match? Read Philpot’s tweet? It’s not like Bradley did this to some random opponent, Philpot had been taunting him for a while and there is basically a 100% chance Philpot had some Read more

This was one of the highlights of the whole day. For anyone being negative that’s what true rivalry/competition looks like in the FGC they shake hands, they get better and they fight again Read more

Good for them. If more people did this sort of thing, maybe we could make some headway with the idea that sexual assault/harassment actual has consequences. Read more

In addition to what Eric noted, I also think that there was a signifigant level differential between the teams, with the losing team being very underleveled for 40 minutes due to being grossly overmatched. Read more

Glad to see that they’re not going all “boys club” and trying to ignore or defend these actions. It’s far too common that these sorts of problems pop up and everyone just wants to sweep it under the rug. Read more

I’m sure Prestige will bounce back strong at the qualifiers held at this summer’s Catalina Wine Mixer Read more

For anyone who has no idea what they are seeing, just watch the portraits in the top left of the screen go from colored to grayed out with countdown timers. That’s the entire team getting completely wrecked in about 2 seconds. Read more

This. I think this is going to be the selling point for regional/local franchises, and I think Blizzard is really tapping something special. Like we saw at Katowice with the ‘local’ support for European teams throwing down for IEM in Poland, just supercharged and occurring in stadiums in the US on the weekends, which Read more

Keep it up, Eric! Esports is definitely a growing content segment and GMG has a great strategy for meeting it head-on. Read more

Blitz is my favorite, great commentator, hilarious, the whole package. Great story! It work a lot better previously, or appeared to, when EG and Secret were wrecking open quals .... but pro teams will do that. Read more

I remember way back when in a CLG-TSM match where HotshotGG accidentally used his Galio ult nowhere near TSM in the build up to a game deciding teamfight and therefore didn’t have it for the teamfight. It was a pretty close game up to that point. Read more

I blame Putin. He wants the next Major in St. Petersburg! 😛 Read more

The concession pissed me right the fuck off. Read more
