Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Yeah it’s similar to how Airborne’s shtick is that it was invented by a school teacher. Actually, I would prefer a drug developed by chemists. Read more

This was a fantastic read, an unexpected culmination of your Witcher 3 updates over the past weeks. I got, I believe, the best ending possible, and still felt sadness at seeing Ciri finally grow out of my Geralt’s shadow, but proud at what she’d become, digital and fictional as she was. It’s funny because the choices Read more

This is so cool to read. I love that there are physical therapists taking an interest in the field of esports. I am a massage therapist and have always wondered how my chair or table might be received at gaming conventions for the same reasons. Very cool!! Read more

I think we also need to address that many think ergo = curvy. All input dev. should be forearm neutral. But that’s “weird” and “everybody knows LEDs make it go faster” - not to mention the sponsers pay well for you to twist wrist. Read more

I really have a lot of respect for Riot looking at this on a case by case basis and communicating with the offending player. Read more

What’s more impressive is that the larger organizations have embraced physical therapy, and have already moved beyond into (effectively) Sports Psychology.

There’s a lot of money at stake, you’d better believe that if you aren’t getting along and communicating effectively, you’re going to be putting in sessions. Read more

Now playing

I think its worth noting that the GameCube controller has bad ergonomics for doing the maneuvers what the melee folks do. The guy below, Hax, does not play melee on the GC controller anymore due to some serious hand injuries from playing the game and is trying to get something like the smash box (no-joy stick arcade

*sees hand stretch chart*
*does it just to see how they feel*
“god damn, why do these feel so good, am I fucked in the hands already?”

I would say, myself included, this was just about everyone who read this article. Those hand stretches feel amazing too. My hands even felt a little lighter after doing them. Read more

3 or 4 pro CS players have been taken out recently by wrist injuries or RSI. It’s a big deal, and makes one worry about their futures after their sport. Read more

ohh these stretches are gonna help me A LOT Read more

After playing games for a years (and an esp long stretch of 8-12 hours a day for months at one point), I had a real pain in my side. My doctor diagnosed it as RSI and gave me some advice: stretch, go out & have some pills for the pain. After a few months it was still happening but worse. So I went to the local “poor Read more

Sure, Caitlin McGee can explain how to prevent gaming related injuries, but can she convince Joey she’s not Mafia? Read more

Now playing

My right wrist is pretty wrecked from the years I spent playing UT & UT2k4. Might try some of those things from the graph to see that helps. Kotaku with useful advice....and on that bombshell, goodnight!

As a physical therapist myself, i searched time and time again about the development of physical therapy in eSports but never found someone that does evidence based esports physical therapy. Thank you very much for this article! I will keep an eye on Miss mcgee’s research Read more

This advice should not just be for gamers. Anyone who works in an office setting in front of a computer should also be performing these exercise. Same for Piano players, painters, etc. Read more