Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Those kind of pain can happen to pretty much anybody. You don’t really have to play (or work on a computer) 12 hours every day to hurt yourself. I’m pretty sure you can remember a time when you played multiple hours in row and felt a little tension in your wrists or fingers. Then think of that in more painful and Read more

I’m a drummer,(more accurately a percussionist) anyone who has spent 9 hours standing over a marimba in a practice room will tell you all types of aches and pains occur. So much of what is talked about in this article is great for us drummers too, I am going to incorporate those hand stretches to our stretch routine Read more

RSI, repetitive strain injury is very common among regular computer users. And thus also gamers. Read more

It never occurred to me that these competitive gamers were at risk of injury from said gaming. I mean, once it’s explained it makes total sense. Just never thought of it before. Read more

It’s a shame competitive SC2 following has dwindled because this tournament was nothing short of epic. Read more

I want to let you know that I’m really enjoying the majority of the Compete posts. I’m a big sports and video game fan, so it’s a natural fit for me. It’s frustrating reading the negative comments from people who see it posted on Deadspin but who are unable to grasp that it’s not a traditional sports post. I would Read more

He literally has no idea how to use that word correctly. Read more

Although Niko was signed a “few weeks” ago, I think during the stream they stated that he hadn’t actually played with Faze for more than five days. Read more

Filthiest pro level Deagle play since the Happy ace on inferno a couple years back. Read more

Did I hear the announcer say “gg” at the end of the match? That’s legit. Read more

an image of the tournament organizer

Super lame this is happening. I hope it gets resolved (with the organization stiffing every relevant party paying additional penalties). Read more

Speaking of Immortals, what the hell happened to them? They went from one of the best teams in NA to middle of the pack in like, 2 seasons. Read more

She has always been one of my favorite speedrunners, here’s hoping that things get better for her and harassers leave. Read more

I’m glad to see she’s back. I hope she’s able to take things at her own pace in a low-key environment. Always have been a fan, so here’s to cheering her on! Read more
