Eric Van Allen's saved articles

Eric Van Allen
Freelance writer, Dota enthusiast, Texan.

Hey, experienced players, is there an obvious way to reconfigure the team so that this strategy does not leave the marksman so exposed? Let’s call Draw’s dude the bandit for convenience. It sounds like adding another support and having the jungler/bandit alternate in the mid-lane would be problematic. I’m curious if Read more

From Rito: In this case what we observed was an expert Nunu counter-jungler throwing the meta on it’s head with a respectable win rate of 53%. While pretty impressive on it’s own, we also found that nearly 50% of their games were reported by teammates as frustrating and unfun. Keep in mind, this isn’t just teammates Read more

So here’s two places where this is an issue, that I’ve been debating at length. Read more

I don’t play this game or follow esports at all, but it sounds like from their explanation, this guy is just being a control freak. Sure, you won, but at the cost of fun to your other teammates. Am I correct in my assumption? High school quarterback hero syndrome? Read more

Ben Brode is really trying to nail that whole Seth Rogen delivery. Read more

Oooo, Goldeneye was mentioned in the article. A game I finally know! Read more

Don’t want to be stream sniped? Change your delay time to 5+ mins while playing competitive. Sure this creates a challenge in interacting with fans, but not an overcomeable one, and — come on — if prizes are on the line, players need to prioritize. Read more

I’m in the Gwent beta, and I’ve only barely dabbled in it, but I can see that it’s shaping up to be a very well made and fun game. They really refined, expanded, deepened, and balanced the game from its humble TW3 beginnings. I can’t wait to see it on mobile to take it on the go! Read more

Blizzard’s stance on keeping Hearthstone’s skill cap as low as possible is probably the correct decision for Hearthstone, but it bodes poorly for Blizzard fans who prefer much harder games like Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2. They’re making such a stupid amount of money on games designed to be on the opposite end of the Read more

Be back in a minute, I need to put a rope in a cup so I can pour one out for my homie.
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In the competitive scene is your character choice like Rock Paper Scissors, where some characters are better against others? Read more

i dont care what lots of people are saying in other articles and maybe in this one also, this coverage of different kind of competitions its being pretty interesting Read more

That look on his face was absolutely priceless. That feeling of winning as the underdog is just incredible. Read more