Doc Burford's discussions

Doc Burford

Serious is fine. Only being serious and never ever experiencing any other emotions is what bugs me here. I don’t want a constantly funny game. Indiana Jones is serious, but he’s also got jokes. He works because he’s way more human. If he was grimdark all the time, he’d suck. She is grimdark all the time. Read more

I have had more fun with Colonial Marines than Uncharted, thanks to the ability to co-op and joke about how bad it is. Read more

I don’t need a goofball, I need someone who experiences more than one emotion. Read more

Not everything has to be played for laughs, but even super serious movies still have moments of levity because of the importance of having emotional dynamics within the narrative. Having one tone throughout the entire piece is a recipe for boredom. Read more

I’m not expecting it to be overnight, but it feels regressive; she was more badass at the end of Tomb Raider than she was anywhere throughout Rise of the Tomb Raider. Why is she still rising? She has already risen! Read more

No, it’s a video game, and video games are metaphors, so when you kill 50,000 people you haven’t really killed 50,000 people. The only people who really died were the ones in the cutscenes. Read more

I want a female Indiana Jones, not a female Nathan Drake. Despite all of Uncharted’s shortcomings, at least Drake has more than one emotion. Read more

It’s also worth noting that a lot of these games were what they were because of the limits XBLA imposed upon them. They couldn’t be more than 2GB in size, for instance. So devs had to get creative with how they made the games use that space. Read more

But I was hired to cover the Labor Day shift. It’s literally why I’m here. Read more

Drake is a piece of hot garbage and the Uncharted games are terrible, but at least he can deliver a joke. Read more

I definitely did not ask for that. I even went so far as to say that is not what he should be, and showed how doing that would make him trash. Read more

1) the doctor who cloned me is amazing thanks to level design, but you’re 100% correct about the gun limit. This was not meant to be a deep dive discussion on why Duke Nukem’s mechanics were bad. Read more

Honestly, I sat there and I thought “what else can Duke get mad about?” and “what FPSes can invoke and joke with?” Starting with Wolfenstein: The New Order and hamburgers seemed like a great idea. It’s not about making a point, it’s about treading new ground while still feeling true to Duke. Read more

Sasuke has no meaningful growth, and what he does is mostly just him becoming increasingly lame. Rika actually becomes cool by rejecting her quest for power. Read more

There are tons of strong indie titles. I just miss how last-gen’s stuff often felt short but complete and worth returning to time and time again. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve replayed Clash of Heroes, for instance. I love that game. They felt substantial in a way that’s different from games like Read more