Cecilia D'Anastasio's saved articles

Cecilia D'Anastasio
Senior reporter at Kotaku.

My girlfriend had the same reaction, but only after I untied that kids shoe laces, chased him into a puddle and then stole his glasses when he fell over in said puddle.

I actually feel pretty guilty in Grand Theft Auto type games sometimes. I vividly remember being excited about the Rockstar Published State of Read more

After a couple of minutes with the game, it dawned on me that it just felt so completely mean. I had no context for the shopkeeper. What did she ever do to me? Baiting her into the dank garage and shutting the door before she could leave—for no specified reason—entailed a special level of sociopathy. Read more

The problem is that geese these days don’t have good role models like they used to. That makes them susceptible to copying the bad behavior they see in the media. I only wish someone from the goose community would step up and tell these impressionable young geese that this is not okay. Read more

Obviously smashing up the taxi was the how the goose was supposed to get to the next area of the village. Read more

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of Read more

Good for Baker. I sometimes get sick of him voicing seemingly everything (that Nolan North isn’t already doing), but if he’s standing up for his principles and supporting his union people, I’ve got more respect for him now. Read more

Are there any actually reliable metrics regarding viewership for OWL? Compared to the humongous sums of money people have paid for franchises, seems there isn’t a commensurate interest in the general public.
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Critics will always say people need to do more. Nobody is ever happy. Read more

Call me cynical (because I’ve long since come to terms with the fact that our economic system has already killed us all, and my niece will grow up in a hellscape of her grandparents’ making because they didn’t care enough) but I feel that if corporations truly cared, and wanted to do something to combat this, they Read more

all those eye candy graphics consume so much power, also digital copies of the game has largely lessened the manufacturing of physical copies that’s a lot of trees thanks to the trend created by software distribution platform like Steam. Read more

Ubisoft will develop in-game green themes
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It was about the most Trigger-est thing I’ve ever seen. That’s a good thing. Read more

“Wow, that’s a pretty good repliOOOOOHMY HOLY SHOCK.” Read more