They really outdid themselves with these new arrangements. I bought the fighters pass last night, but the eshop went down, so no Joker. Tonight perhaps.
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They really outdid themselves with these new arrangements. I bought the fighters pass last night, but the eshop went down, so no Joker. Tonight perhaps.
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A built-in solid state drive is interesting. While they offer much better performance than a typical hard drive, they also have a pretty finite life span. If Sony gives us free cloud saving this time then at least we won’t have to worry about losing our save games, but if the SSD is the only internal storage then… Read more
Really like that they will focus on backwards compatibility. I have both Xbone and Ps4 and primarily play on the latter, but I love how many older games I can play on the former. Replay all of Dragon Age and Mass Effect recently and just started an Lost Odyssey playthrough.
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Geat so now we also need to pollute several thousand miles of orbit space so pepsi can ruin my starview and assault my eyes with unwanted product placement. If they do this I hope they leave gaming culture out of it. I don't want my pastime associated with the same people who built the Pepsi constellation. Read more
I want this entire concept banned right now. Having a sky full of satellites is one thing, they’re useful and we rely on them for a lot of things, but I do not want them to actively participate in defiling what’s left of our night sky. This is an entirely new generation of light pollution and I’m not here for it, get…
Cause that’s what I want to see when I look up at the night sky, more advertisements. Definitely don’t get enough of those down here...
Yeah just don’t do that. Read more
I usually try to keep up to date on this sort of stuff but... what’s the goal here. Read more
Live footage of me meeting Cecilia
My kids are a bit older now, obviously, but they basically bracketed your son’s age when we played Yoshi’s Woolly World, and they did fine. Especially if you’re playing with him, since he can always float along as an egg for a bit while you carry through a particularly hard part. Read more
Given this article, this doesn’t sound like Sekiro levels of difficulty, but how difficult/easy would you say it really is? I have a son (4 and a half) and have done my best not to push my love of video games on him. He is just now showing interest in them but his game coordination just isn’t there yet. Super Mario… Read more
it’s so beautiful! and the details are fantastic. I was dying at the graffiti inside the Shy Guy rocket ships. and the fish made out of paper plates. Read more
Glad these people came forward but can’t say I’m surprised that yet another game whose target market are children and teens is infested with “cool guy/gal” 20 somethings and older who are in fact nonces and abusers. Read more
It’s a pretty ingenious move. The people who are most pissed off and inclined to misbehave can’t do anything about it all day, after which their impotent rage at “SJWs” will have subsided like a goldfish taking another lap around its bowl. Read more
Been checking reddit and other site since he was pulled from the tournament. People were being really tight lipped about what was going on but most people kinda assumed it was something like this.
Innocent before proven guilty and all that crap but honestly I’m glad WotC kicked his ass out before this big promotional… Read more